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Asset Management MEA Conference – November 24th, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Asset Management MEA Conference – November 24th, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asset Management MEA Conference – November 24th, 2017

2 The Evolution of AM Started as an engineering function
PSAB changed the focus to a financial exercise Really should be a corporate initiative Tools are not the solution Implementation of the plan is the solution

3 OGRA Asset Management Initiatives
Asset Management Project Data Standard Asset Management Plan Standards Advocacy Short term funding Longer term funding Education Partnerships Municipal DataWorks

4 Asset Management Project
Partnering with Marmak Signed MOU’s with 15 municipalities OGRA Provide technical expertise Load data Assist with developing AMP Attempt to secure funding Municipality Provide access to data Promote project with surrounding municipalities Agree to allow OGRA to share results with Province Partnering with MFOA ORFA

5 Municipal DataWorks MDW Available at no cost Common data standard
Aggregate data for advocacy Enhancements planned for 2018 Integration with 3rd party applications ComTrack MR. Compliance Simplicity OSIMple (new)

6 AM Project - Temiskaming Shores

7 Data Standard Advocate for Provincial/National Data Standard (i.e. MIDS) Part of OGRA’s advocacy day efforts for past couple of years Met with Minister Sohi, Federal Minister of Infrastructure Working with DND and Building Smart Canada

8 Asset Management Plan Standards
Part of Advocacy Day Initiative in 2014 Province agreed to develop new regulations OGRA part of stakeholder group providing input New standards are expected shortly

9 Advocacy Mandatory AMP’s Data Standard AMP Standards Funding
Short term funding to assist MOU partners Long term funding - $20 million over 10 years Available to smaller municipalities Build AM capacity

10 Education Initiatives
Ryerson University to partner with OGRA Asset Management Project Asset Management Academy Advocacy Initiatives Academy for Asset Management TAC Award for excellence University level course – AAM Accreditation Asset Management courses U of T Research project – improve predictability of PCI calculations Paper won award from Transportation & Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Federal Highway Administration

11 Education Initiatives
U of T Endowed Chair in Infrastructure Asset Management & Informatics $500,000 commitment Have raised $500,000 Need to raise $2 million to establish the chair OGRA Funding TAC Research project Synthesis of Cross-Asset Optimization Practices in Transportation Asset Management OGRA received grant ($163,000) from FCM to develop training programs Dr. James Smith sitting on World Road Association Asset Management Technical Committee

12 Asset Management Asset Management Project
Contact OGRA if interested in participating OGRA can assist with getting FCM funding

13 Questions

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