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Investigation 1 part 2 “Washing Three Rocks”

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1 Investigation 1 part 2 “Washing Three Rocks”
First Rocks Investigation 1 part 2 “Washing Three Rocks”

2 What happens when rocks are washed?
Inquiry Question What happens when rocks are washed?

3 Hand Lens You’re going to look at your set of rocks again today.
Observe the rocks using a hand lens. Watch me as I demonstrate how to properly use a hand lens.

4 Water You’ll look at your set of rocks again.
This time, you will find out what happens when you place the rocks in water. You can use the hand lens to observe the rocks before they go in the water and when you take the rocks out of the water.

5 Washing Procedure Put only 1 rock at a time in the water.
Each pair will get 2 bags of rocks, a cup or water, and two hand lenses. Here’s what you should do: Put only 1 rock at a time in the water. Observe the rock carefully. Remove the rock from the water. Place the rock on a paper towel. Repeat the process with the other rocks.

6 Wash Rocks I will fill each pair’s cup with water.
You will have about minutes for rock washing. In the meantime, I’ll be walking around asking you some questions.

7 Teacher Questions What happened to the rocks when you put them in water? What colors do you see in the rocks? Did the rocks change when you put them in the water? How? What happened to the water after you put the rocks in? Is there anything you can see now that you couldn’t see when the rocks were dry?

8 Clean Up Place the rocks on a fresh paper towel to dry.
Pour the water cups into the basin. Wipe up any spilled water.

9 Do you have any new words to describe the rocks?
Brainstorm Do you have any new words to describe the rocks? Rock 1 Rock 2 Rock 3

10 Rocks Record Sheet Pick one of the three rocks.
Complete the Rock Record sheet. You can use the Rock Words list to help with the description. Draw a picture of the rock in the square on the right.

11 Find a Rock Pile the rocks together.
I challenge you to find each other’s rocks. Only use the describing words and pictures on your students sheets to help you.

12 Collect Materials If your rocks are dry  return them to the bags and put them in the buckets. If your rocks are wet  have one person from your group bring them up to the front table.

13 Rock Names Revealing BASALT is the gray, smooth rock. It was one the hot liquid lava that came out of a volcano. TUFF is the light, soft rock. It has ash in it from the fires of the volcano. SCORIA is the reddish bubbly rock. It was once the bubbly top of the lava.

14 Word Bank Entries basalt tuff scoria

15 basalt A gray, smooth rock that was once the hot, liquid lava that came out of a volcano.

16 tuff A light, soft rock that has ashes in it from the fires of a volcano.

17 scoria A reddish, bubbly rock that was once the bubbly top of lava.

18 What happens when rocks are washed in water?
Content Chart What happens when rocks are washed in water?

19 What We Learned When rocks are washed, some rocks have new colors that appear. Some rocks bubble. The wash water gets muddy.

20 Questions?

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