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Minerals Rock Cycle Vocabulary Types of Rock

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Presentation on theme: "Minerals Rock Cycle Vocabulary Types of Rock"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals Rock Cycle Vocabulary Types of Rock 100 100 100 100 100 200
John S. Parke Rock Cycle Vocabulary * Miscellaneous Types of Rock 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 The basic unit that minerals are made of

3 What are crystals?

4 A mineral’s resistance to scratching

5 What is hardness?

6 The basic unit that rocks are composed of

7 What are minerals?

8 Tools used to perform the cleavage test

9 What are a hammer and chisel?

10 A mineral contains two different shaped crystals.
True or False? A mineral contains two different shaped crystals.

11 What is false? A mineral is pure and therefore contains only one definite shaped crystal.

12 The way a metamorphic rock becomes igneous rock.

13 What is metamorphic rock melting (lava, magma) and then cooling?

14 The way igneous rock becomes sedimentary rock.

15 What is weathering and erosion of rock into sediments that are deposited and cemented (lithification)? (WEDC)

16 The way sedimentary rock becomes metamorphic rock.

17 What is sedimentary rock undergoing intense heat and pressure?

18 The way igneous rock becomes metamorphic rock.

19 What is igneous rock undergoing intense heat and pressure?
(MCH or LCH)

20 The processes that rocks go through when changing over millions of years from one type to another

21 What is the rock cycle?

22 The depositing of sediments in or near a body of water

23 What is deposition?

24 Rock that is formed from magma deep within the Earth

25 What is intrusive igneous rock?

26 Crust Mantle Outer Core Inner Core

27 What are the four layers of the Earth?

28 Material that is living or once living and contains carbon

29 What is organic material?

30 The process of breaking down rock by wind, moving water, or the actions of organisms

31 What is weathering?

32 The chart used to measure the relative hardness of a mineral by its resistance to scratching

33 What is Mohs’ Scale of Hardness?

34 The thinnest layer of the Earth that we live on

35 What is the Earth’s crust?

36 The property that identifies a mineral as metallic or non-metallic

37 What is luster?

38 Identify the distinguishing characteristics of sedimentary rocks.

39 What are: Layers (or strata) Grainy and gritty
Soft (compared to other rocks) May include fossils

40 I found a rock while on vacation
I found a rock while on vacation. It is light colored and does NOT have visible bands, but it does react to acid. Identify my rock.

41 What is marble?

42 The type of rock that forms in layers near bodies of water.

43 What is sedimentary rock?

44 The type of rock that fossils can be found inside.

45 What are Sedimentary Rock and sometimes Metamorphic Rock?

46 The type of rock that is made from a parent rock but is much harder and looks very different.

47 What is metamorphic rock?

48 Identify the distinguishing characteristics of igneous rocks.

49 What are: Intrusive Igneous Rock: Extrusive Igneous Rock:
- large crystals - none to small crystals - contains many colors - uniform (same) in color - rough porous - smooth and glassy

50 Smooth, glassy texture, small crystals

51 What is igneous rock?

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