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Welcome to Sociology Please pick your seat..

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Sociology Please pick your seat.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Sociology Please pick your seat.

2 Brainstorm Using any prior knowledge, what is sociology?

3 Thought Experiment What principles or laws of justice would be chosen?

4 Thought Experiment What are the applications/implications of this model?

5 Please write your name Write one interesting fact about yourself. Be creative. Write one thing I should know about you that will help you be successful in this class.

6 Welcome to Sociology Please pick your seat.

7 Brainstorm Using any prior knowledge, what is sociology?




11 Thought Experiment What principles or laws of justice would be chosen?

12 Thought Experiment What are the applications/implications of this model?

13 Please write your name Write one interesting fact about yourself. Be creative. Write one thing I should know about you that will help you be successful in this class.


15 Iraqi Insurgents




19 Introduction to Sociology
Sociological perspective: Looks at the behavior of groups/society, not individuals

20 Examples How would a sociologist examine these ideas:
A young woman getting a divorce A student failing 7th grade A young man joins a gang



23 Brutal Killers Or Patriotic Defenders

24 What is the purpose of Sociology?



27 Brainstorm In what ways does society influence you?

28 Sociological Imagination

29 C. Wright Mill’s Sociological imagination
The ability of individuals to see the relationship between the events in their personal lives and events in their society

30 Sociological Imagination
Get yourself out of “The Trap”

31 Example: Sociological Imagination

32 Example: Sociological Imagination

33 Example: Sociological Imagination

34 Example: Sociological Imagination

35 How would your lives differ if you were:
Born 100 years ago Born into a wealthy Aristocratic family Born in a less developed country

36 Sociological Imagination Assignment
How are you influenced by events that occur in society?


38 Auguste Comte (1798-1857) Improvement in Society
Human rights above ruler’s Positivism: knowledge should come from scientific observation Social statics: study of social stability Social dynamics: study of social change

39 Harriet Martineau ( ) Link between the oppression of slaves and women

40 Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) Society as evolutionary
Social Darwinism: natural selection would ensure the survival of the best in society

41 Karl Marx (1818-1883) Bourgeoisie: class owning capital
Proletariat: working class Class Conflict Communism

42 Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) Preindustrial societies:
Mechanical solidarity: social dependency based on an agreement of values and beliefs, conformity Industrial societies: Organic solidarity: social interdependency based on specialization of roles

43 Max Weber ( ) Humans act based on their own understanding of a situation Verstehen: understanding the social behavior of others by putting yourself mentally in their place

44 Jane Addams ( ) Focus: Bridge gap between the powerful and powerless Hull House

45 W.E.B. Dubois (1868-1963) Slavery and capitalism cause inequality
Founded NAACP







52 3 Theoretical Perspectives
Functionalism Conflict Theory Symbolic Interactionism

53 Functionalism The functions of institutions and the status and roles of individuals are vital to the functioning of society Society as an integrated whole Seek Stability

54 Society

55 Kinds of Functions Manifest Function: Intended consequence
Latent Function: Unintended consequence Dysfunction: Negative consequence

56 School Manifest Functions: Latent Functions: Dysfunctions:




60 Functionalist Theory Analysis

61 Strengths of Functionalism
Limits of Functionalism


63 Functionalist Theory Analysis

64 Strengths of Functionalism
Limits of Functionalism

65 Conflict Theory Conflict, competition, change, constraint
Groups and societies compete as they attempt to preserve and promote their own values and interests

66 “Crab Mentality”- “King of the Hill”
Social living =contest over power

67 Conflict Theory Analysis




71 Symbolic Interactionism
Importance of interactions Groups only exist because their members influence each other’s behavior Symbols: Interaction based on mutually understood symbols

72 Symbolic Interactionism
Dramaturgy: Human interaction as a theatrical performance

73 Symbolic Interactionism: An example

74 List or draw symbols that you have interacted with in our society
List or draw symbols that you have interacted with in our society.-Pick 1-2 Why do we use them?/What do they mean? How do they influence our interactions with each other?

75 Symbolic Interactionist Analysis

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