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7 Operating system Foundations of Computer Science ã Cengage Learning.

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1 7 Operating system Foundations of Computer Science ã Cengage Learning

2 OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, the reader should be able to:
Define the purpose and functions of an operating system. Understand the components of an operating system. Understand the concept of virtual memory. Understand the concept of deadlock and starvation. List some of the popular operating systems such as Windows 2000, UNIX, and Linux.

3 Computer System

4 7-1 operating system An operating system is an interface between the hardware of a computer and the user (program or human) that facilitates the execution of the other programs and the access to hardware and software resources.

5 Batch systems Time – sharing systems Personal systems Parallel systems
7-2 Evolution Batch systems Time – sharing systems Personal systems Parallel systems Distributed systems Real –time systems

6 7-3 Components of an operating system

7 User interface: User interface is a program that accepts requests from users(processes) and interprets them for the rest of the operating system. A user interface in some operating systems, such as UNIX is called shell. In others, it is called window (GUI) .

8 Memory manager: Monoprogramming Multiprogramming

9 Monoprogramming Multiprogramming

10 Categories of multiprogramming

11 Categories of multiprogramming
Nonswapping category: means that the program remains in memory for the duration of execution. Swapping category: means that during execution , the program can be swaped between memory and disk one or more times.

12 Partitioning CPU switched between programs.

13 Paging

14 Virtual memory

15 Process manager A program is a non active set of instructions stored on a disk. A program becomes a job from the moment it is selected for execution until it has finished running and becomes a program again. A process is a program in execution. In other words, a process is a job that is being run in memory.

16 State diagram with the boundaries between a program, a job, and a process

17 Job scheduler

18 Process scheduler

19 Queues for process management

20 Deadlock

21 Deadlock on a bridge

22 Note: Deadlock occurs when the operating system does not put resource restrictions on processes.

23 Starvation

24 Dining philosophers

25 Device manager Device manager (input /output manager) is responsible for access to input/output devices

26 File manager File manager used to control access to files.

UNIX Linux Windows NT/2000/XP

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