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From To Value chains and how to manage them in benefit of rural areas.

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Presentation on theme: "From To Value chains and how to manage them in benefit of rural areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 From To Value chains and how to manage them in benefit of rural areas. Value chains combining rural resources, tourism, and circular economy: how to optimize the effects of external visitors to rural areas. This includes local cooperation, branding, postvisit sales, or promotion - but also the management of potentially negative impacts such as resource consumption or waste. Core terms are >> Rural-urban linkages >> Sales channels >> Cooperation of structures: CLLD/Leader, DMO, professional organisations, etc. >> Circular economy No t O n l y Domenico Mastrogiovanni COPA COGECA

2 Societal demands and „drivers“
• Territorial processes (aspects of territorial and social distribution/inequality) • Increased interrelationships and Globalization • Rural-urban cooperation and synergies • Public goods, ecosystem services, biodiversity and landscapes • Recognition of social innovation and well-being • Climate change and circular economy

3 Post-modern paradigm Territorial inclusion Balanced multifunctionality Multi-scale spatial equity Streamlined governance


5 • Need for increasing resilience of farms
• Need for enabling conditions for young farmers • Improvement of basic infrastructure (including broadband) • Need for taking into account structural diversity • More attention to societal expectations (habitat, landscape amenities) • Need for climate action (mitigation and adaptation) • Improved resource management (soil, water, genetic resources) • Complexity of administration and control • Requirement of result-based assurance • Need for coalitions for agriculture and rural areas (Cork) • Need for complementarity of fund interventions in rural areas


7 Tourism is an opportunity for rural areas.
It requires technological innovation (BB, broadband, availability of services of general interest etc…). In Europe we not only need Smart Cities, but also Smart Villages. Attractiveness and accessibility are critical for developing rural areas. Natural resources as such don’t create development, they need investment and qualified human resources. The value chain must result in earning more money from your own business. Integrated territorial development? Yes but – who and how in areas where in the next years there may be a lack of resources and young human capita

8 Rethink - Start LEADER - approach
The answer to Post-modern paradigm is trasform statements and programm in actions Not a single solution but method to adapt priorities at local condition «methodology» Rethink - Start LEADER - approach

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