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Rural Proofing Martin Scheele

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Proofing Martin Scheele"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Proofing Martin Scheele
DG Agriculture and Rural Development European Commission

2 The Declaration of Cork 2016: "A Better Life in Rural Areas"
Point 1: Promoting Rural Prosperity "The rural potential to deliver innovative, inclusive and sustainable solutions for current and future societal challenges such as economic prosperity, food security, climate change, resource management, social inclusion, and integration of migrants should be better recognised. A rural proofing mechanism should ensure this is reflected in Union policies and strategies."

3 Source:

4 Assessing Policy: Scope of Evaluation
What we steer directly… What we influence directly… What we influence indirectly… Input Output Result Direct Impact Global Impact Administration - Audit Implementation - Monitoring Policy- Evaluation

5 Assessing Policy The Time Line
Period 1 Programming Policy Application SWOT Ex-ante Evaluation Mid-term Evaluation Ex-post Evaluation Programming Period 2 Programming Policy Application SWOT Ex-ante Evaluation Mid-term Evaluation Policy assessment and evaluation as a key element in the policy cycle

6 Assessing Policy Intervention Logic and Policy Cycle Needs
Impact Indicators Overall objectives Result Indicators Specific objectives Output Indicators Operational objectives Inputs

7 Union Strategic Priorities for Rural Development
1. Knowledge transfer and innovation 2. Economic viability and competitiveness SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT 6. Diversification and social inclusion 3. Food chain organisation and risk management 5. Resource efficiency and climate change 4. Restoring, preserving, and enhancing ecosystems 7

8 The Priorities of the European Union
1. Jobs, Growth and Investment 2. Digital Single Market 3. Energy und Climate 4. Single Market 5. Economic and Monetary Union 6. Free Trade with US 7. Justice and Fundamental Rights 8. Migration 9. EU as a stronger global Actor 10. Democratic Change

9 Sustainable Development Goals
No Poverty Clean Water and Sanitation Zero Hunger Affordable and Clean Energy Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action Land-based ecosystems

10 Topics of Result and Impact Indicators for Rural Development
Knowledge Cooperation Training Modernisation Business development Generational renewal Quality and local markets Risk management Biodiversity and landscapes Water management Soil management Energy efficiency Renewable energy GHG emissions Carbon sequestration Jobs Local development Services and infrastructure Poverty Income Productivity High nature values

11 Possible Topics for "Rural Proofing"
Integrated strategies and multi-sectorial approaches Rural value chains and local productive networks Public and private services and essential infrastructures Connectivity and digitisation of rural areas Farm resilience and generational renewal Natural and cultural heritage Climate mitigation and adaptation strategies Social innovation, capacity building, and mutual learning Locally-led and bottom-up initiatives

12 Source:

13 Thank you for your attention!

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