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Presentation on theme: "ZAMBIA REVENUE AUTHORITY"— Presentation transcript:

Comments on Building Taxpayer Cultures Danmore Mulima Director Large Taxpayer Office Zambia Revenue Authority.

2 Zambia Revenue Authority.
Comments The report presented by Norad on the Taxpaying cultures of Tanzania, Mozambique and Zambia is a useful report that has given insights on how we can improve our taxpaying cultures. Zambia Revenue Authority.

3 Zambia Revenue Authority.
Comments The Zambia Revenue Authority has realised the importance of improving taxpayer compliance and has taken the following steps to address this issue: Simplifying the tax registrations forms Tax registration maximum of 48 hours Zambia Revenue Authority.

4 Zambia Revenue Authority.
Comments Dedicated taxpayer services offices Taxpayer segmentation Client relationship Office in the Large Taxpayer Office ZRA in collaboration with Ministry of Education are developing a tax curriculum for formal education Zambia Revenue Authority. 4

5 Zambia Revenue Authority.
Comments Enhanced taxpayer education programmes such as drama, radio and TV shows. Established a call centre in 2011 Zambia Revenue Authority. 5

6 Zambia Revenue Authority.
Comments It was noted in the report that out of the three countries that Zambia had the highest level of illicit capital outflows The following measures have been put in place to address these issues Zambia Revenue Authority. 6

7 Zambia Revenue Authority.
Comments Thin capitalization legislation Prior to 1999 Zambia did not have any legislation to address transfer pricing. However legislation and a practice note to give guidance have been put in place Zambia Revenue Authority. 7

8 Zambia Revenue Authority.
Comments Use of LME prices Enhanced audits eg joint audits with NTA Capacity building for staff through training, workshops and seminars Entering into DTA’s and TIEA Zambia Revenue Authority. 8

9 Zambia Revenue Authority.
Concluding Remarks The Zambia Revenue Authority is dedicated to building the taxpaying culture of the Zambian people so as to broaden the tax base and increase domestic revenues. Zambia Revenue Authority.

10 Zambia Revenue Authority.
Thank You Zambia Revenue Authority.


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