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Topic 4: Population Biology

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1 Topic 4: Population Biology
Unit: Ecology Topic 4: Population Biology

2 Population Growth Exponential Growth – as a population gets larger, it grows faster J-shaped curve on a graph Results in population explosion!

3 B. Carrying Capacity The number of organisms of one species that an environment can support over a long period of time Over – deaths exceed births until population again under carrying capacity Under – births exceed deaths

4 C. Population Patterns Determined by reproductive pattern (AKA life-history pattern), and related to environmental conditions Rapid life-history – small body size, rapid reproduction, short lives, little parental care; unstable environmental conditions

5 C. Population Patterns Slow life-history – large body size, slow reproduction, long lives, much parental care; stable environmental conditions

6 Limits to Population Size
Density Dependent Predation Numbers of predators and prey cycle Important for health of populations old and injured caught improves odds of enough resources for healthiest Competition food, water, space, etc.

7 Limits to Population Size
3. Disease Communicable disease rate increases with density Examples: AIDS, flu, Tuberculosis, Dutch Elm Disease, Pfiesteria

8 Limits to population size
Parasitism Parasites are host specific Crowding helps parasite move from one host to another Crowding & Stress May affect hormones (reproduction rates), immune system and aggression Fleas

9 Limits to Population Size
Density Independent Weather – most important Human activities – toxic waste, pesticide, etc.

10 Human Population Growth
Demography – study of human population growth characteristics Human population has increased exponentially over the past several hundred years!

11 Human Population Growth
Birth and death rates vary by stage country is in Age Structure

12 Human Population Growth
Mobility Immigration – movement of individuals into a population Emigration – movement of individuals out of a population

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