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What does ebola mean to you?

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1 What does ebola mean to you?
Bell Ringer Questions What does ebola mean to you? Do you think you can adequately protect yourself against it? If yes, how? This will tie the subject of the Black Death to the students lives. Allow discussion to flow to the concept of quarantine and how the disease is transmitted.

2 I can explain how the Black Death (Bubonic
Plague) spread to Europe and its impact on global population I can describe the impact the Black Death had on social order I can explain how the Black Death affected the economy of Europe 7.40 Describe the economic and social effects of the spread of the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) from Central Asia to China, the Middle East, and Europe, and its impact on the global population.

3 The Black Death - The Worst Plague in History
Complete the viewer’s guide as you view the video. The video is in two parts. Each is approximately 13 minutes in length. The viewer’s guide is very detailed. I recommend previewing and eliminating any questions you don’t feel are necessary. I viewed several videos before I found one that was not too graphic. The best video was Mankind: The Story of All of Us 5 ½” It is very informative and concise, but terribly graphic. I recommend the teacher view it to get a better background and understanding of the ramifications of the Black Death. The video begins with a section on Genghis Khan and how his empire laid the groundwork for the spread of the plague.

4 This song summarizes the Black Death and its consequences
This song summarizes the Black Death and its consequences. (I don’t think the “Social Studs” need to give up their day jobs, but the song is catchy and hits the main points of SPI 7:40.

5 How do they understand the "cause" of plague?
Now, you and your group will read a series of eyewitness accounts of the Black Death in Europe. Each member will read a passage and answer the following questions. Who is the author(s) of the article(s)? How do people respond to the plague? How do they understand the "cause" of plague? Do they address the cause? (how?) How does the plague affect the structures and institutions of society?

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