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Chocolate By Jam Education.

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1 Chocolate By Jam Education

2 How To Make First of all the cacao bean is taken from the cacao tree. Next, the cacao beans are roasted in large, rotating ovens, at temperatures of about F. Roasting lasts from half an hour up to two hours. Then the outer shells are taken away. The inside part gets crushed and this liquid is called chocolate liquor. Then they add sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla and milk. The then smooth the chocolate by rolling it through a series of metal rollers. To further refine the texture, and to really bring out the flavor, the mixture is then “conched.” That is, it’s run through a chocolate making machine (a conch – so named because the first such machine looked kind of like a conch shell) that mixes and mashes and swirls and aerates the chocolate..At this point we will probably add some more cocoa butter and maybe some soy lecithin – these will give the chocolate its silky smooth texture.The chocolate is then tempered by stirring it, letting it cool, heating it back up slowly, and repeating the process several times. This will give our chocolate that nice glossy look, and it will help it melt properly.Finally, we have chocolate! Some people might use the liquid chocolate in candies or cookies or ice cream, but let’s pour our lovely mixture into a mold (how about in the shape of a bunny rabbit?), let it harden, then chomp its ears off!

3 End Hope you’ve learnt how Chocolate is made.

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