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Nutrition and Digestion

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1 Nutrition and Digestion
KS3 Science Nutrition and Digestion

2 Nutrition and Digestion
Objectives Nutrition and Digestion state foods contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins recognise these are needed as an energy supply and for growth and repair explain why different people need different foods

3 Why do we need food? Humans need to consume a balanced diet which contains a variety of different types of food. The main nutrients the body needs are: carbohydrates for energy; proteins for growth and repair; fats to store energy; vitamins and minerals to keep the body healthy. The amount of each food type needed is related to the proportions in the food pyramid. Which food type does the body need the most of?

Collect 10 Food Labels. Use the information they give you per 100g to carry out the following tasks. Sort the foods into order of the energy they contain. Keep them in this order. Look at the amounts of fat and carbohydrate the top two contain and the amounts the bottom two contain. In your own words write down what this tells you about the types of food which you would eat if you need a lot of energy. Explain why you wouldn’t give much of these types of food to somebody who has had an accident which prevents them from moving around. Make a table to show the amount of carbohydrate per 100g in each of your food types. It should have two columnsType of Food Carbohydrate per 100g (g) Draw a bar chart to show this information for the top 5. Be as accurate as you can. A body builder needs to build up lots of muscle. What should the bodybuilder look for in the foods he or she eats

If you need a lot of energy you should eat foods which contain a lot of carbohydrate or a lot of fat. 2marks Q3 Somebody who has had an accident which prevents them from moving around won’t need these foods because they don’t use much energy mark Q6 A body builder needs to build up lots of muscle. They should eat foods which contain a lot of protein. 1 mark

6 (Make sure you know the true version of your false one!)
Plenary Look at the learning objectives, write down three statements that show that you have achieved them, two should be true one should be false Be ready to try them out on the rest of the group. (Make sure you know the true version of your false one!)

7 Can you ? state foods contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins
Objectives Can you ? state foods contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins recognise which are needed as an energy supply and which for growth and repair explain why different people need different foods

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