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Welcome to Lunar and Solar

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1 Welcome to Lunar and Solar
Year 2

2 Adults in Year 2 Mrs Lester – Lunar Class Teacher
Miss Butler – Solar Class Teacher Mrs Ely – Higher Level Teaching Assistant (Tuesday pm in Solar, Thursday am in Lunar) Mrs Jones – Teaching Assistant Ms Brown – Teaching Assistant Mrs Poppleton – Teaching Assistant

3 Drinks & Snacks Snacks Children can bring a snack to have during morning playtime. This can be a piece of fruit, vegetables or cheese. No fruit winders, biscuits or cereal bars please! We provide an afternoon snack of fruit or vegetables. Drinks Children can bring a bottle of plain, unflavoured water to school. This can be refilled during the day. We no longer provide plastic cups for hygiene reasons. Children can also have a carton of milk in the morning. Please sign up at

4 School Dinners Free School Meals All children are eligible for a free meal until Year 3. Children can choose between two hot dinners, one meat and one vegetarian, a sandwich or a jacket potato. Menus are available on the school website.

5 Both classes: Tuesday and Thursday
PE Both classes: Tuesday and Thursday PE kit should contain: A plain white tshirt/polo shirt Plain black shorts/skirt Black indoor pumps A plain black or blue tracksuit Outdoor trainers Please ensure your child’s name is in all of their PE kit and school uniform, including coats!

6 Reading Children will have a specific book change day once per week. We have reading time every day so please ensure your child brings their reading books each day. We encourage children to bring a book from home into school to read during reading activities. This is to encourage the children to make independent reading choices and to read for pleasure.

7 Behaviour Incredible Indigo Brilliant Blue Good to be Green First Warning (5 minutes) Second Warning (10 minutes) See Mrs Barson As part of our behaviour policy, children in KS1 who demonstrate good behaviour throughout the week can earn golden time on a Friday afternoon. They can bring a small toy to play with at this time. Children are expected to follow the school’s Rainbow Values. It’s important that children treat each other well but also that they behave well to learn: listen, concentrate, work quietly, try their best.

8 Homework Reading – Please read your child’s school books at home as often as possible to support children’s learning. This has a huge impact on children’s progress and your support is very much appreciated. Please record in the diary each time your child reads at home. Spellings – These will be given out every Tuesday for a test the following Monday.

9 Learning Spellings

10 Homework Weekly homework – This will be given out every Thursday to be returned the following Tuesday. This will be either a maths or an English homework. Please encourage your child to put their homework book into the tray when it has been completed!

11 Year 2 Curriculum Along with a high focus on reading, writing and maths, we also teach the whole range of curriculum subjects: science, computing, history, geography, art, design and technology, music, RE, PE and personal and social education. Topic based work:

12 Year 2 Expectations The following slides contain examples of the things children should know/be able to do by the end of Year 2, in order to achieve the ‘expected’ level. These are only some of the key areas – for the full list please see the National Curriculum for Year 2 (available online)

13 Year 2 Expectations - Reading
Continue to use phonics to sound out and blend, until knowledge is embedded and reading is fluent. Read words containing the common exception words. Read words containing common suffixes. Use expression and intonation when reading aloud. Discuss stories and texts they have read and be able to retell these in detail. Recognise fiction and non-fiction texts and the difference between these. Make inferences and deductions based on what they have read. Make predictions and back up their ideas with evidence from the text. Discuss the language chosen by the author. Build up a repertoire of poems learnt by heart and be able to recite these.

14 Year 2 Expectations - Writing
Use their phonic knowledge to spell by sounding out words, and become more accurate in their spelling choices. Spell common exception words correctly. Apply common suffixes correctly. Use an apostrophe for contracted (don’t, won’t, etc) and possessive forms (the girl’s book). Spell homophones correctly (see, sea). Begin to write at length and in different styles, including narrative, non-fiction and poetry. Be able to proof-read, correct and improve their work with increasing independence.

15 Year 2 Expectations - Grammar
Word families noun (person, place, thing) adjective (describing word) verb (doing word) adverb (describes a verb) Tenses past tense present tense Punctuation full stop capital letter exclamation mark question mark apostrophe comma Suffixes suffix singular plural compound word root word Sentence types statement question command exclamation

16 Year 2 Expectations – Maths Facts
Read and write all numbers to 100 (in digits and words). Count forwards and backwards from any number. Count in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10, forwards and backwards. Recall addition and subtraction facts for all numbers to 20. Recall times table facts for 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Recall halves and doubles for all numbers to 20. Tell the time to 5 minutes. The key to achieving the expected level in maths is accuracy and fluency in all areas, but especially in recall of these facts.

17 Year 2 Expectations – Maths
Understand place value for numbers to 100. Use place value and partitioning to add and subtract mentally. Add and subtract numbers within 100 using mental and informal written methods. Solve division and multiplication questions using informal methods. Understand and compare fractions involving halves, quarters and thirds. Measure length, weight, temperature and capacity. Recognise coins and notes and add and subtract using money. Identify common 2D and 3D shapes and describe these using mathematical vocabulary. Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position and direction. Interpret and construct tables, tally charts, pictograms and block graphs.

18 Maths Calculations 50 + 26 = 76 50 + 20 = 70
0 + 6 = 6 In Year 2 we focus on mental methods when adding and subtracting. To support children to develop their mental arithmetic skills we encourage them to learn their maths facts by heart. We also teach informal written methods. Some examples of these are available on the tables to have a look at. It is not a requirement for children to use formal written methods in Year 2.

19 Maths Reasoning In order to reach the expected level, children in Year 2 must demonstrate the ability to reason mathematically. We teach reasoning skills with a ‘little and often’ approach by linking problems and puzzles to our everyday maths work. Reasoning problems support children to develop a deeper understanding of number.

20 Assessment Work is assessed in an ongoing way, this includes work in books and oral and practical work. Children also complete a reading and maths test booklet each term. We have to complete SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) during the month of May. We also complete teacher assessment during the first two weeks of June. Please do not book holidays or take time off during this period. A selection of SATs booklets are available on the tables. There are also examples of work for children working at different standards within the Year 2 curriculum – below Year 2 expectation, at Year 2 expectation, working in depth in Year 2.

21 Now have a browse… Please have a look at the materials out on the table for further information. To take home – spellings and calculations letter formation, alphabet mats and home school agreement. Please ask any questions as you look around. If you have any further questions or concerns please come and see us before or after school.

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