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Statement Have one. Keep it Short concise and to the point: “Beauty contests objectify women and hurt their self image” Beauty contests are harmful to.

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Presentation on theme: "Statement Have one. Keep it Short concise and to the point: “Beauty contests objectify women and hurt their self image” Beauty contests are harmful to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statement Have one. Keep it Short concise and to the point: “Beauty contests objectify women and hurt their self image” Beauty contests are harmful to a girl’s self-image, as she comes to see herself merely as an object, through her physical beauty.

2 Explanation Keep asking yourself why!
Participation in beauty contests only causes regression in the fight to teach all of society that women are worth more than their appearance. Find multiple answers to your questions. Even if it sounds intuitive, answer the second part of the explanation: Why is it bad / So what?

3 eXample Make sure to connect it to your explanation:
Anyone who has ever seen the Toddlers and Tiaras  program can attest to the fact that the participants in these pageants go to despicable lengths, including false teeth and hair pieces for toddlers, in order to achieve some kind of physical perfection.

4 Conclusion Sum up the major conclusion your argument and Link it back to the motion. Don’t add new material that was not mentioned before.

5 Statement Explanation eXample Conclusion

6 How to evaluate arguments and how to find the most relevant things to say?

7 Clash = The point of Disagreement Off Clash = Not contested, agreed thus irrelevant

8 1. What is the problem that we’re facing 2
1. What is the problem that we’re facing 2. Is the solution going to solve the problem? 3. Is the solution justified? 4. Will we be better off with the consequences? 5. What are the key words in the motion that I’ll have to address ?

9 Dana says it’s too hot in the classroom, so she wants to turn on the A
Dana says it’s too hot in the classroom, so she wants to turn on the A.C: For side proposition: Problem: Dana really suffers when it gets hot and this is exactly the case now. Will the solution work? Yep. The A.C works fine and will cool the class in no time. Is it justified? Yep. The entire class can just put on their sweaters, whereas Dana has no other alternatives. Will the class be better off? Sure. No one likes it when Dana starts to complain. Why only the A.C will solve the problem? Other alternatives won’t help Dana to cool off.

10 Dana says it’s too hot in the classroom, so she wants to turn on the A
Dana says it’s too hot in the classroom, so she wants to turn on the A.C: For side opposition: Is there a Problem: Not really the temperature is 25 degrees, that is not hot. Will the solution work? No. The A.C is broken. Is it justified? No way. Will the class be better off? / What will be the bad consequences of turning on the A.C Nope. Key words: why specifically turning on the A.C when there are so many other options? Dana has many alternatives, she can sit next to the window, she can get a cold drink etc… Therefore she shouldn’t turn on the A.C

11 The golden rule: Will my argument be controversial/ On Clash?
נטלי ההוכחה The golden rule: Will my argument be controversial/ On Clash?

12 B. Going to solve my problem C. Moral.
Gee, I could use some extra money but I shouldn't steal my friend's wallet because it is not ________ A. Beneficial for me. B. Going to solve my problem C. Moral. .

13 A. Students who lack motivation to study.
In the motion "This house will pay money to students who get good grades" As proposition - Which problem do you want to solve by paying money to students who get good grades? A. Students who lack motivation to study. B. Students who don't get enough money from their folks C. The low level of education in many schools in the country.

14 In the motion "This house would allow every grown citizen to bear arms" – which of the following opposition's arguments is off clash? A. Too many people hanging out with guns can be very dangerous. B. Children with guns can't be trusted. C. Knives can also protect you from random attackers.

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