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Unit 3 Cells to Body Systems Lesson 1 What are Cells?

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1 Unit 3 Cells to Body Systems Lesson 1 What are Cells?

2 3 parts of Cell Theory: All living things are made of cells
All living organisms from the largest whale, to the smallest amoeba are made of cells All the processes of life take place in cells Cells take in oxygen, give off carbon dioxide and make the energy you need. New cells come from existing cells Organisms need new cells for repair and growth

3 Animal Cell: Mitochondria Vacuole Cytoplasm Cell Membrane Nucleus

4 Cell- the basic unit of structure and function in a living thing Organism- all living things Cell membrane- surrounds the cell and controls what enters and leaves the cell Nucleus- enclosed in the membrane and directs all the cell’s activities Cytoplasm- gives the cell shape and holds the cell parts Mitochondria- releases energy to be used to do its jobs.

5 Large Central Vacuole Cytoplasm Chloroplast Cell Membrane Cell Wall
Plant Cell: Large Central Vacuole Cytoplasm Chloroplast Cell Membrane Cell Wall Mitochondria Nucleus

6 Chloroplast- uses energy from sunlight to make food in a plant cell
Cell Wall- surrounds and protects a plant cell Chloroplast- uses energy from sunlight to make food in a plant cell Large Central Vacuole- stores water, nutrients and waste.

7 Cell Membrane Nucleus Mitochondria Chloroplast Cell Wall Both Plant
Cell Part Plant/Animal/both function Cell Membrane Both Surrounds the cell and controls what enters and leaves the cell Nucleus “brain” of the cell Directs all cell activities Mitochondria Releases energy Chloroplast Plant Uses energy from the sun to make sugar (food) Cell Wall Surrounds and protects the plant cell

8 Mitosis- cell division
Allows for growth New cells have the same number of chromosomes as the original Produces two cells from one cell Daughter cells are genetically identical to parent cell

9 Meiosis- cell division
New cells have half the number of chromosomes as the original cell Forms sex cells Makes sexual reproduction possible Daughter cells are NOT genetically identical to parent cell

10 Inherited trait- a characteristic that passes from parents to their offspring (eye color, hair color, freckles) Dominant trait- only one factor needs to be present for the trait to show up Recessive trait- both factors have to be present for the trait to show up Curly Hair Straight Hair

11 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 2 How can we observe cells?

12 Parts of a Microscope Base Eye piece Observation tube Arm
Objective lenses Stage Course focus Stage clips Iris diaphragm Fine focus Illuminator Base

13 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 3 How do cells work together?

14 Cells- the basic unit of structure and function in a living thing
Tissue- cells of the same type that work together to do a certain job Organ- several tissues that work together to do a certain job Organ System- Organs that work together to do a certain job

15 Nervous System- the system that send messages throughout your body
Nerve Cells- the individual cells of the nerves Nerves- carry information to and from the brain from all over your body Spinal Cord- a rope like bundle of nerve tissue that runs along your backbone. Brain- the organ that processes information

16 1 pupil- light enters the eye and passes through the pupil
2 iris- gives your eye its color 3 lens- light passes through the pupil and then through the lens 4 retina- the back of the eye, where nerve cells send the image to the brain. 1 2 3 4

17 When you breathe, air travels through your organ of smell –your nose
When you breathe, air travels through your organ of smell –your nose. Inside your nasal passage, structures detect chemicals in the air. These chemicals send messages to the olfactory bulb and then to the brain where the message is interpreted. Olfactory bulb Nasal passage

18 Sound enters the outer ear Vibrations pass from the eardrum to tiny bones in the middle ear. Vibrations then pass through the fluid filled cochlea and to tiny hairs attached to the nerves. eardrum Cochlea is like pebble in water

19 Cochlea Outer ear Auditory nerve Bones of the inner ear Ear drum
Ear canal Outer ear Bones of the inner ear

20 When you eat, the nerves in your taste buds sense chemicals in the food and send the message to your brain through these nerves.

21 Includes skin, hair and nails
Integumentary System- protects the internal organs and helps maintain body temperature and provides waterproofing. Includes skin, hair and nails Skin- protective organ that covers the outside of your body . The skin is the body’s largest organ. Epidermis- outer layer of skin Dermis- inner layer of skin, includes hair follicles, sweat glands, blood vessels and nerve endings Nerve Endings- special structures that sense touch, heat, cold, pain, pressure and vibration

22 Hair Sweat gland Oil gland Epidermis Blood vessels Dermis Fat
Nerve endings Fat

23 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 4 How do our Bodies Move, Breathe and Circulate Blood?

24 Skeletal system- the organ system that supports your body
Skeletal system- the organ system that supports your body. Cartilage- cushions the ends of the bones and forms flexible parts like your ears and nose. Ligaments- connect bones to bone 5 Jobs of Bones: Support the body 2. Allow movement 3. Protect organs 4. Store minerals 5. Make blood cells

25 3 types of joints: Ball and Socket Joint – moves in a complete circle Hinge Joint – back and forth movement Pivot Joint – side to side or rotational movement Muscular System- the organ system composed of tissues that can contract and relax Muscles- body parts that work on pairs to help your body move.

26 Respiratory System- the organ system that moves air in and out of your body
1. Lungs- organs that expand and fill with air 2. Trachea- air through the mouth and travels through the trachea 3. Bronchi- air then flows through the large tubes called the bronchi 4. Bronchioles- the smaller tubes called` the bronchioles 5. Alveoli- make up most of the lungs, they inflate like small balloons each time we breathe 1 2 3 4 5

27 Air Mouth or Nose Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli Air Mouth or Nose Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli The oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood

28 Circulatory System Circulatory System- the organ system that moves blood around your body Heart- a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout your body Arteries- thick vessels that carry blood away from the heart Veins- move blood toward the heart Capillaries- connect arteries and veins. They have very thin walls that allow gasses and nutrients to pass through.

29 1. Blood vessel- veins, arteries and capillaries
5 2. White Blood Cells- help fight disease 1 3. Plasma- carries nutrients and blood cells throughout the body 4. Platelets- stop bleeding by forming clots 2 5. Red Blood Cells-carry oxygen throughout the body 3 4

30 5th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 5 How do our Bodies Digest Food, Remove Waste and Send Messages?

31 Digestive System- the system that moves food through your body and absorbs nutrients Esophagus- a long tube that connects your mouth to your stomach Stomach- mashes food into a liquid and mixes the food with digestive juices Small intestine- digest food and absorbs nutrients from digested food Large intestine- absorbs water and minerals and leaves only the waste Liver- makes juice called bile that helps break down large blobs of fat into smaller blobs Pancreas- makes juices that break down protien in the small intestine

32 5 parts of the Digestive System
Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine

33 Excretory System Excretory System- system responsible for removing waste from your body and keeps your body’s water and salt levels in balance Urinary System- filter the blood and rids the body of waste as urine Kidneys- organ that filters blood and removes waste Urerters- tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder Bladder- organ that expands and fills up with urine until it is ready to be released Urethra- small tube that takes urine from the bladder to outside the body

34 Urinary System Kidneys Ureters Bladder Urethra

35 Endocrine System Endocrine System- produces hormones that cause changes such as growth Glands- a group of cells that make hormones Pituitary gland- produces hormones that tell other glands what to do (Master Gland) Hormones- carry messages that cause growth and other slow changes in your body Thyroid- produces a hormone that lets your body use energy Adrenal gland- located above the kidneys, produces adrenalin Pancreas- controls the sugar in your body

36 Unit 3 Review Cell- smallest part of an organism that can do all life process Chloroplast- uses the energy from the sun Tissue- group of cell that work together to do a certain job. Pituitary Gland- master gland, produces growth hormone Bladder- stores urine until urination Cell wall- Surrounds and protects the plant cell Mitosis- the process of one cell dividing in to two cells Bones- organ that supports the body, allows movement and stores minerals Stomach- digestive organ, mixes food with acidic juices Kidneys- organ that removes waste from the blood.

37 Circulatory System- organ system that moves blood around your body Nervous System- organ system that allows you sense pain Respiratory System- organ system that takes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide Muscular System- organ system that allows movement Digestive System- organ system that takes in and breaks down nutrients Excretory System- organ system that removes waste from the body

38 3 parts of Cell Theory: All living things are made of cells
All living organisms from the largest whale, to the smallest amoeba are made of cells All the processes of life take place in cells Cells take in oxygen, give off carbon dioxide and make the energy you need. New cells come from existing cells Organisms need new cells for repair and growth

39 Cells- the basic unit of structure and function in a living thing
Tissue- cells of the same type that work together to do a certain job Organ- several tissues that work together to do a certain job Organ System- Organs that work together to do a certain job

40 1. White Blood Cells- help fight disease
4 2. Plasma- carries nutrients and blood cells throughout the body 3. Platelets- stop bleeding by forming clots 1 4. Red Blood Cells-carry oxygen throughout the body 2 3

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