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Insect Pinning and Labeling

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Presentation on theme: "Insect Pinning and Labeling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Insect Pinning and Labeling

2 The pin should be positioned through the thorax
The pin should be positioned through the thorax. The pin should always be on the right side of the beast, except…Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera.

3 Odonates are a special case, pin though the thorax so that the left side is up or use a clear envelope.

4 Tuck legs and antennae under

5 Poorly Pinned Legs and antennae are askew and may be easily broken.

6 Goodly Pinned


8 Points – made of thick paper or plastic
Straight Tip Split Top Point should be on right side of Specimen. Bent Tip Inserted

9 Spreading Leps

10 Spreading Leps

11 Spreading Leps

12 Spreading Leps

13 Spreading Leps

14 Spreading Leps

15 Spreading Leps

16 Spreading Leps

17 Spreading Leps

18 Spreading Leps

19 Labeling Use acid-free card stock paper Use 4-6 point font
Should be pinned in line with the bug or point 2 labels: First Label: Location, Habitat, Date Second Label: Order, Family, and Common Name USA:NC:Olin Weeds 21 May 2012 Order Hemiptera Family Miridae Common Name: plant bug

20 Properly Labeled Specimens

21 Proper Positioning on Needle
Use 3 tiered block for positioning insects and labels

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