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Polette Guerra R. Joann Vera F..

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1 Polette Guerra R. Joann Vera F.

2 H I S T O R Y Launched to the public in November 2011.
Co-founders: Guillaume Decugis and Marc Rougier (who is President at the same time)

3 M A I N U S E S A N D P U R P O S E S Scoop = novelty
New way of gather information to show and share it in a more visually attractive way on internet. Content curation Topics: politics – entertainment – religion - business - education - etc

4 C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S You can log in with your Facebook or Twitter account.

5 When you already have an account on Scoopit, this will be your timeline, where you will find the topics that you are interested on, for example my main topics are: technology, education and social networks. These topics have to be chosen when you create your account for the first time.

6 Before upload something you have to go to your “profile” and create your topic, you have to write the “title” and also some key words related to your topic, so people will find your scoop through these words, in an easier way. To develop your topic, as knows as when you want to “Scoop” you have 4 choices. First, by adding your link with the information from any webpage you have to click on this blank space and paste your link. If you want to write something related to your topic, you have to pay, or if you want to upload a document you also have to pay.

7 The forth choice is to scoop as knows as to “filter” or “curate information” that you think fit the best in your topic. To find all these posts you have to and click on the bottom “Suggested Content“ where you have to write key words to find post related to yours.

8 Then, you have to Scoop, and you can add comment about or share it on Twitter or Facebook and if you want to share it on another webpage you have to pay to add them. You can choose if you want any kind of post, it means videos, images, articles, social networks or documents, but in the case you only want images you can click and find only pictures.

9 You also can look for an specific theme to add, that ScoopIt gives, of course you can write what you want, but the site gives you some ideas.

10 You can give your own style to your Scoop
You can give your own style to your page, by changing the colors of titles and background

11 Another tips in your Scoopit profile
You can follow the people that you think give interesting info about your topic. And will be called “Your Community”. If you follow “Scoopers”, the people that post things on, you will see their posts in the section “My followed scoops”

12 In the section “ My followed topics” are the topics of the people that you follow.

13 “My curated topics” are your topics.
“My curated scoops” are all those scoops that you thought were the ones that best represent what you are sharing; The selection. “My curated topics” are your topics.

14 P E D A G O G I C A L U S E S Show resources on a given topic.
Having the same news in different newspapers to compare. Show the same information in a variety of formats. Each student shows his work. Exhibit different works of students on the same subject.

15 L E S S O N P L A N ACTIVITY TIME 10 minutes 5 minutes
Students have to have a blog account, in which they develop a topic about anything they are interested on. They explain what is about, people who are involved in this topic, the main characteristic, positive and negative aspect, etc. 10 minutes Students go to and create an account. 5 minutes Students name their topic and upload their blog link and give info about it in the post. Then, students will have to scoop, according to the topic and things related to what they have chosen. Students share it on facebook or twitter. After that students present their job to the class.

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