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Basic examples of setting simulations: A REAL CASE

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1 Basic examples of setting simulations: A REAL CASE
European Communications Office Stella Lyubchenko 11-12 June 2013 EUROPEAN COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Nansensgade 19 DK-1366 Copenhagen Denmark Telephone: Telefax: Web Site: Jukka Rakkolainen/ERO

2 Illustration of coverage and simulation radius in SEAMCAT
Victim Link Receiver (VLR) (Origin of simulation) Interfering Link Transmitter (ILT) (Origin of interfering coverage) Victim Link Transmitter (VLT) victim dRSS Victim iRSS Victim link Coverage radius Interfering Link Receiver (ILR) Interfering link Simulation radius Wanted Receiver

3 Distance between the ILT and the VLR (simulation radius)
In this case Victim Link and Interfering Link operate at 1000 MHz, therefore simulation radius is define as follows: Jukka Rakkolainen/ERO

4 Distance between the ILT and the VLR (simulation radius)
The It is located between 1 km and 10 km; iRSS unwanted = Pe + Ge + Gr – L; In this example if It located between 1 km and 10 km then iRSS unwanted will be in the range between dBm and dBm

5 Victim Link Transmitter (VLT) (coverage radius)
- User-defined radius; - Noise-limited network; - Trafic-limited network

6 VLT - coverage radius The dRSS for a receiver located at the edge of the coverage area is calculated in the following way: dRSS=Pe+Ge+Gr-L if when dRSS = dBm

7 Calculation of simulation radius (Uniform density mode)
Within the simulation radius following number of active transmitters can be located uniformly: For a single It iRSS Unwanted = dBm For 10 active It iRSS Unwanted = dBm

8 Calculation of simulation radius (”none” mode)
In the “none” mode it is also possible to define Uniform density of transmitters by using the Uniform polar distance For the single transmitter with Rsimulation = km iRSS Unwanted = dBm

9 Protection distance Calculations of iRSS Unwanted will be done
only if location of It satisfied to the following condition:

10 Power control Victim Link and Interfering operate at 1000 MHz.
Distance between the Victim and Interfering transmitter is 1 km.

11 iRSS Unwanted= 33(dBm)+11+9-(32.5+10log(1)+20log(1000)) = -39.5dBm
Power control if power control is not activated then: iRSS Unwanted= 33(dBm)+11+9-( log(1)+20log(1000)) = -39.5dBm

12 Power control dRSS Wanted Receiver= 33(dBm) ( log(1)+20log(1000)) = -37.5dBm 1

13 Power control 2 -50dBm (threshold) + 3 · Step (5dB) > –37.5dBm > -50dBm (threshold) + 2 · Step (5dB) The gain of Power control (git PC) = 10 dB then iRSSunwanted = -39.5dBm – git PC = dBm

14 –37.5dBm > -70dB (threshold) + 20 (dynamic range)
Power control 3 –37.5dBm > -70dB (threshold) + 20 (dynamic range) iRSS Unwanted = -39.5dBm – git PC = -59.5dBm

15 Multiple Interferers generation (Option 1)
Add Duplicate Delete Colocation of the interferers

16 Multiple Interferers generation (Option 2)
Generate Multiple interfering link

17 Multiple Interferers generation (Option 3)

18 Thank you - Any Questions?

19 Examples from ECC Reports 185 and 201

20 Calculations in 2483.5 – 2500 MHz band between healthcare facility MBANS (VLR) and LTE UL (ILT)

21 Victim characteristics Interferer’s characteristics
Calculations in – 2500 MHz band between healthcare facility MBANS (VLR) and LTE UL (ILT) Victim characteristics Units MBANS Receiver bandwidth MHz 3 Receiver noise figure dB 10 Receiver antenna height m 1.5 Receiver antenna gain dBi Operating frequency 2498.5 N, receiver thermal noise dBm -109.1 ACS 25 Noise Floor -99.1 I/N objective Interferer’s characteristics LTE UL e.i.r.p 23 Bandwidth ACLR -30 Wall attenuation Antenna height Minimum path loss 87.25 See workspace

22 Positioning between MBANS (VLR) and LTE UL (ILT)
Postioning: Interfering Tx fixed with respect to the victim receiver No protection distance Propagation model Free space, no variation Result: Distance of ILT to VLR derived when P_interference = 0.1 %

23 Calculation with SEAMCAT on some examples of interference assessment for broadcasting service

24 Adjacent channel simulations (scenario outline)
Size of broadcast pixel 100 m x 100 m Operating frequency for WSD (IT) 600 MHz DTT receiver (VR) 608, 616, 624 MHz DTT receive antenna height 10 m DTT receiver antenna gain 0 dBi WSD antenna height WSD E.I.R.P 20 dBm Emed at coverage edge 56.21 dBµV/m  P = dBm, σ=5.5 dB Propagation model Extended Hata, rural

25 Adjacent channel simulations (SEAMCAT Victim link)

26 Adjacent channel simulations (example of results)
Interferer frequency Victim frequency R (distance between Vr and interferer) IP, % 600 MHz 608 MHz 0.02 km 97.37% 616 MHz 67.42% 624 MHz 19.54 %

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