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AAC Monthly Report RA-UG Mine December 2016

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1 AAC Monthly Report RA-UG Mine December 2016

2 Safety Performance With an understanding that all incidents are preventable and all tasks can be completed without harm, extra focus, training and improved supervision must occur to reduce the Frequency of incidents. December Safety performance was quite positive with no recorded LTI only one FAC. FAC recorded when a workmen climbing in Volvo cabin putting one hand on door frame and closed the cabin door with other hand in this process his right hand thumb struck between door and frame resulting in swelling on the same.

3 Property Damage

4 Near Miss/ Incident Comparison

5 Safety Positives Action Plan
Continuing delivery of SOPs to all employees.( role specific SOP completion have been targeted to ensure coverage of specific requirements) To complete SOP coverage for all new employees before release into the work teams. Safety Tools box talks and campaigns on:- Underground vehicle parking, Assessing active level. Refuge chamber use, Reversing of mobile equipment and Handling trailing cables. Shift start up process has been adjusted to deliver a team message and gain better buy in with operators. Safety talks daily during the start up at allocation area daily with all teams allowing operators to speak about safety topics.

6 Performance Review Production Drilling
December was an another positive month for development. Overall mine performance was meters. Production Drilling Production Drilling for this month is meters.

7 Development Performance Trend Line
Including approved slyping

8 Development Performance
Including approved slyping

9 Production Drilling Survey Data Pending Meters

10 SOLO Drilling Day wise (in meters)

11 Haulage Trending Tonnes

12 Total Tonnes of Ore and Waste Moved

13 Shotcrete Performance
Cu. meter

14 Paste Fill Cu. meter

15 Graph Indicators This month AAC achieved 131.04% of our target.
This month hauling was highest ever. Production Drilling was higher than its target. Over all cu. Meter shotCrete material sprayed.

16 Improvement Opportunities and Special Focus Areas
AAC and HZL management teams focusing on improving the utilization of equipment , downtime and availability. AAC trainer to continue developing national operators into a multi skilled workforce, mitigating operational impacts. Continued QA/QC management between HEMM, OEM’s and AAC regarding maintenance scheduling, damages and downtime impacts against operations. SOP completion will be monitored and implemented as opportunities arise in between operational needs and HZL safety pillar training sessions. Maximising the use of LF600 agitators for delivery of shotcrete (increased capacity).

17 Improvements Tracking of Jumbo plods to identify impacts on utilisation of drills. Dedicated mining engineer tracking and analysing utilisation of every piece of equipment. Allocation of operators to specific rigs to improve utilization and availability of drill rigs. Identifying the best way to control unauthorised absenteeism. Hot seating of equipment during shift change over. Loader and shotcrete support for development targeted to reduce impacts. Mentoring/ coaching of our engineers to identify processes for best utilization of available resources.

18 Manpower Availability and Absenteeism

19 AAC Disciplinary Action

20 Training Training for the month was as follows:
SOP Trainings: SOP’s were covered for personnel, Coupling and uncoupling of trailing cables, PPE, Drilling and Blasting etc. Mobile Equipment training & Authorization:- 10 authorizations completed for the month including PC, Mine Truck, Miller, Pipe Handler, TORO Truck. Other Trainings:- AECT, Electrical Safety training.

21 SOP Training SOP training:- This included different types of SOP training i.e. Sop Use of Self Rescuer , Coupling and uncoupling of trailing cables, Job safety environmental analysis, Drilling and Blasting etc.

22 Mobile Equipment Training
Mobile Equipment training & Authorization :-Total 10 employees were trained and authorized (including multiple authorizations for some personnel) on different mobile equipment: i.e. :- PC, Pipe Handler, Mine Truck 6020, Scissor Lift.


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