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ANXIETY Anxiety has been defined as the negative aspect of experiencing stress. A negative emotional state usually associated with feelings of apprehension.

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Presentation on theme: "ANXIETY Anxiety has been defined as the negative aspect of experiencing stress. A negative emotional state usually associated with feelings of apprehension."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANXIETY Anxiety has been defined as the negative aspect of experiencing stress. A negative emotional state usually associated with feelings of apprehension and worry, caused by over arousal due to a person being stressed. Types of anxiety Cognitive thoughts, nervousness, apprehension or worry that a performer has about their lack of ability to complete a task successfully. Somatic Physiological responses to a situation where a performer feels that they may be unable to cope; symptoms include increased heart rate, sweaty palms, muscle tension, nausea. State Trait

2 Trait/State Anxiety Definition:
(A-trait) an enduring personality trait, giving a tendency to view all situations as threatening. (A-state) anxiety felt in a particular situation. Activity pg 142, 143 Consider the link between the two

3 Measuring anxiety Questionnaires STAI (state-trait anxiety index)
SCAT (Sport Competition Anxiety Test) CSAI (Competitive state anxiety inventory Read Pg

4 Methods of controlling anxiety
Goal setting Imagery Visualisation Attentional control Thought stopping Self talk Bio feedback Breathing control Progressive muscle relaxation

5 Homework Write out all key terms for the anxiety chapter in your own words. Summarise methods of measuring anxiety with detail regarding questionnaires. ~List and summarise methods of controlling anxiety and prioritise those which, in your opinion are the most effective.

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