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Primary Newsletter – Friday 13th October 2017

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1 Primary Newsletter – Friday 13th October 2017
POWER HOUR Every Monday afternoon in Primary, we collapse our usual timetable and run ‘Power Hour’ for all classes in years 2 – 6. Children have been split into smaller groups and they take part in enrichment activities that they may not get the opportunity to be involved in during a typical week at school. Examples of what the children have been doing are cooking, orienteering, yoga, ‘Horrible Histories’, portrait workshops and much more. Class 5E have been working on a charity project in Power Hour, where they have been planning and organising a fundraising charity event. On Monday 16th October at 2.15pm, class 5E will be hosting an Afternoon Tea for their family and friends. It will be held in the primary hall and the children would really welcome as much support as possible for our school charity, Lewisham Hospital Children’s Ward. HARVEST FESTIVAL. We are holding a whole Academy Harvest Festival celebration week next week. We are kindly asking families to bring to school non perishable food items. Student representatives and members of staff will take all donations on Friday 20th October to Lewisham food bank via our school minibuses. Please direct donations to your child’s class teacher. We appreciate your generosity and support. . PARENTS’ EVENINGS We are holding Parents’ Evenings next week on Tuesday and Wednesday from 3.45pm – 6.30pm. These will be held in classrooms and will be a good opportunity for you to look through your child’s books and discuss their progress with their class teacher. If you have not already returned your form requesting a specific time slot, please do so as soon as possible to ensure you get an opportunity to attend. We kindly ask you to arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment time to avoid unnecessary congestion in corridors. If children accompany you to the appointment, please can we ask that they remain in school uniform. Please note that class 4E will be having their Parents’ Evenings on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd November.

2 Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration,
Let Your Light Shine CELEBRATIONS Each week, one child from each class is named as ‘Star of the Week.’ They are awarded the title for working really hard on one of our school priorities: Persistence, Aspiration, Collaboration, Independence and Versatility. This week we congratulate the following children: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Tuesday 17th October Parents’ Evening 3.45pm – 6.45pm Wednesday 18th October Thursday 19th October Year 6 trip to the Imperial War Museum Monday 23rd October – Friday 27th October Half term – school closed Thursday 2nd November Parents’ Evening for Class 4E 3.45pm – 5.30pm Friday 3rd November Class 3E Assembly 2pm Friday 10th November Class 2E Assembly 2pm Dragonfly Class Assembly 2pm Friday 24th November INSET DAY – SCHOL CLOSED Friday 1ST December Class 6W Assembly Friday 8th December Class 5W Assembly Bumblebee Class Michaela Seka Frog Class Sofia Hernandez Ospina Dragonfly Class Jose Dabo 2E Ria Martinez Robinson 2W Natalee Daley 3E Austin Prescott 3W Rashika Magar 4E Shavantae Roach-Cayton 4W Jose Ribeiro 5E Vinayak Obitz 5W Rahiem  Higgins 6E Rahul Magar 6W Aliyah Rochester ATTENDANCE WINNERS Attendance Cup was awarded to: Class Class 4E Bumblebees GOLDEN TABLE WINNERS Well done to the ‘Golden Table’ winners this week who displayed excellent manners in school: Year 1: Sofia H and Acacia Year 2: Michael and Kelis Year 3: Aaron and Andrea Year 4: Tayla and Jeremiah Year 5: Aarya and Johnathon Year 6: Zuriel and Lara . RSPB WORKSHOPS This week, year 4 had a Royal Society for the Protection of Birds workshop. It was really informative and enhanced their topic work in school. Have a wonderful weekend Mrs Beckley Head of Primary

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