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Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Cherokee County School District
Background Section 504 is a Civil Rights Law, passed in 1973
Sister statute Americans With Disabilities Act, passed in 1990 It is not a special education law, it is a general education law IDEA, special education law, passed in 1975 If you receive any federal funds you are subject to Section 504
Section 504 No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States……shall solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any programs or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…….
What Section 504 is… Short but powerful Civil Rights law
Covers birth to death Requires equal opportunity and equality Prohibits the denial of participation in education or the benefits of education because of a disability
Why a Civil Rights law? Historically people with disabilities have been discriminated against preventing them from receiving, participating or benefiting from programs which receive federal funds We must compare that of what a protected class are receiving to those outside of a protected class Seeks equality of opportunity between the groups, not equality of benefit Does not guarantee success
What Section 504 is not….. A special education law A funding law
Guarantees results Optional
Section 504 and Educators Prohibits discrimination
Responsibility not to discriminate is for all school personnel Responsibility falls on district level administrators, school level administrators and general education teachers Enforced by the Office of Civil Rights in the US Department of Education
Who is Protected? Any otherwise qualified person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment….. Must have an impairment Must limit a major life activity
Physical Impairment Any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more body systems Epilepsy, AIDS & HIV, Allergies, Arthritis, Heart Disease, Tourette Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Visual Impairment, Broken Limbs, Cancer, Diabetes, Hemophilia, Episodic Conditions, Conditions in Remission……………….
Mental Impairment Any mental or psychological disorder, such as intellectual disability, organic brain disorder, emotional or mental illness and specific learning disability ADD/ADHD, Reading Disability, Depression, Eating Disorder, Behavior Disorder, Past Drug/Alcohol Addiction, OCD……………………..
Major Life Activities…..Some
Learning Breathing Walking Talking Seeing Hearing Concentrating Major Bodily Functions Standing Sitting Reaching Bending Thinking Communicating Caring for Oneself
Mitigating Factors Medication, Vision Devices, Prosthetics, Hearing Aids, Assistive Technology Cannot consider when determining eligibility Could write a plan to monitor, but not require accommodations In education, does it substantially limit learning??????
Substantially Limit????? OCR memorandum says it means….an important and material limitation (1994) Determination is made on an individual basis Compare to nondisabled peers, general population The focus is on how it limits, not the outcome Expansive coverage
When to Consider a 504 Evaluation
A student returns to school after a serious injury/illness A student fails to benefit from instruction A student exhibits signs of a chronic health condition Repeated Suspensions or Expulsions A student referred for an IDEA evaluation but was not eligible A student who is “at-risk” or shows the potential to drop out A student is frequently out or has excessive absences for medical reasons
Conducting the Evaluation
Parental consent is needed for an initial evaluation Students must be individually evaluated Tests used must reflect student’s aptitude or achievement and not just the presence of a disability
Evaluation Requirements
Conducted by a group of qualified individuals Based on information from a variety of sources Document and consider all available pertinent information Reevaluation needed when there is a significant change of placement and every three years
Questions About the Evaluation
Is there a formula or scale that measures substantial limitations? Can a medical diagnosis suffice as an evaluation? Does a medical diagnosis automatically mean a student qualifies under Section 504? Must an outside evaluation be considered? What about mitigating factors?
Questions About Eligibility
Is anyone automatically covered? Is there dual eligibility under IDEA and Section 504? What about mitigating measures? Can a parent decide they only want 504 services when the student is clearly eligible under IDEA?
Eligibility Errors Ignoring the cause and focusing on the symptoms
Personal characteristics ELL’s do not automatically qualify Having a physical or mental disability is an automatic to qualify – they must have a substantial limitation of one or more major life function
Requirements of Section 504
Child Find Referral Evaluation, with consent Eligibility Develop a plan, accommodations Provide FAPE
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
What is it? According to federal courts the FAPE standard under Section 504 is similar to the FAPE standard under the IDEA Primary difference is accommodations not specialized instruction
Violations of FAPE Failing to provide adequate staff training, equipment and/or facilities Failing to educate the student in the LRE Failing to carry out recommendations in the accommodations plan Shortening the school day
Accommodations Plan Accommodations are for equal opportunity
The plan should meet the students unique needs Progress should be monitored Must use a specific 504 plan form, not an IEP form Conduct annual reviews Conduct triennial reviews
Program Accessibility
All programs must be available to those who need them Not all rooms may be available just available when “viewed in its entirety” Physically inaccessible Denying a class because it is not physically accessible Denying parents to participate because of their disability
Comparable Facilities
If a school operates a separate facility for students with disabilities, this facility must be comparable to the district’s other facilities Comparable in term of space, location, instructional appropriateness, accessibility, size, lightening, ventilation, temperature Establishing classrooms for students in areas that are not conducive to learning Storage rooms Small rooms, no air/heat
Nonacademic Services Students with disabilities must be provided with an equal opportunity to participate in nonacademic services and extracurricular activities No qualified student with a disability can be denied the opportunity to participate in physical education and athletic activities Do not prejudge a persons skills Courts generally favor allowing those with disabilities to participate in athletics Student/parent must understand any risk of participation
Staff Training All staff should understand their rights and responsibilities under Section 504
Discipline Students with disabilities are subject to school-wide discipline procedures Exceptions When procedures deprive students of their services When procedures change educational placement When procedures interfere with the 504 plan
In-School Suspension Least likely to make a mistake if:
Discipline is applied evenly to all students It is not harsh or overly punitive It is not used excessively
Short Term Suspensions
Cannot suspend for more than 10 days collectively without taking action Cannot suspend for consecutive 10 days without taking action After the 10th day educational services must continue to be provided A series of short-term suspensions may be permissible as long as it is for different instances and there is not a change in placement The 504 team must make the decision if the suspension has triggered a change in placement Length of removal, total amount of time the student is removed, proximity of removals
Expulsion Expulsions are a change in placement because they are longer than for 10 days Prior to expulsion a manifestation determination must occur Team determines direct relationship between disability and behavior: No relationship-students can be disciplined like any other student Relationship-expulsion not allowed
Conducting Manifestation Determination
Gather and review relevant assessment data Review Section 504 plan Was the behavior a direct relationship to the disability – yes/no?????? Was the behavior a direct relationship to the district’s failure to implement the student’s Section 504 plan??????
Complaint Mechanism If you have anyone who would like to file a complaint, they should contact me first Grievances must be filed within 180 days OCR will screen the complaint for merit If appropriate an investigation will begin Documentation is provided by the district Investigation may take a long time Anything found can be cited If the district does not comply, federal funding can be taken away
Hot Areas for Litigation
Participation in Extra Curricular Activities Bullying Retaliation
Avoid!! Expecting parents to initiate the 504 process
Failing to recognize the broad definition of a disability Refusing to provide services No training No 504 policy Claiming we treat everyone the same
Any Questions?? Thank you for all you do!!
Bessie D. Westmoreland Director, Special Services
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