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Good Afternoon! We have several things to do today so please be ready with your completed homework assignment, textbook, graph paper and your definitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Afternoon! We have several things to do today so please be ready with your completed homework assignment, textbook, graph paper and your definitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Afternoon! We have several things to do today so please be ready with your completed homework assignment, textbook, graph paper and your definitions pages. The Glovernment

2 What’s a widget? Think-Pair-Share:
Decide which figure(s) (A, B, C, or D) are widgets. How do you know?

3 What makes a widget a widget?

4 What is a square? A square is a figure with four equal sides.
“A square is a 4-sided figure with all sides congruent and all angles measuring 90 degrees.”

5 Steps to Creating a Good Definition
Classify your term. What is it? Differentiate your term. How does it differ from others in it’s class? “A square is a 4-sided figure with all sides congruent and all angles measuring 90 degrees.”

6 Define these terms: Parallel Lines Perpendicular Lines
Parallel lines are lines in the same _______ that never ___________. Perpendicular lines are ________ that ___________________________. PLANE INTERSECT LINES INTERSECT AT A RIGHT ANGLE (90°)

7 With your partner… Create quality definitions for all 7 terms on pages 49 and 50. Be sure you both agree on the wording of your definition. Put them in your yellow definitions pages. Use pencil! We will go over them and you may need to make corrections.

8 Right Angle A right angle is an angle that measures 90 degrees.

9 Acute Angle An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees.

10 Obtuse Angle An obtuse angle is an angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

11 Complementary Angles Complementary angles are a pair of angles that have a sum of 90 degrees.

12 Supplementary Angles Supplementary angles are a pair of angles that have a sum of 180 degrees.

13 Vertical Angles Vertical angles are a pair of angles formed by two intersecting lines that share a common vertex but not a common side.

14 Linear Pair of Angles A linear pair of angles are supplementary angles that share a vertex and a common side (they’re adjacent).

15 TRUE or FALSE? A ray that divides an angle into two angles is an angle bisector.

16 TRUE or FALSE? If two circles intersect, then they must intersect at exactly two points.

17 Classwork/Homework Group work: True/False Questions 1.3 #15-24
If the statement is true, just write “True”. There are only four true statements. If the statement is false, write “False” then draw a counterexample to prove your claim. We will go over these before you leave today. Homework: 1.3 #1-9, 11

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