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“Remember the Maine. To Hell with Spain!”

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1 “Remember the Maine. To Hell with Spain!”
Spanish American War “Remember the Maine. To Hell with Spain!”

2 U.S. Military Prior to Spanish-American War
Army Navy Regular Army- 27,000 troops Still used black powder rifles. In replaced 1872 Springfield w/ Krag-Jorgensen that fired smokeless powder. Officer Corps was redesigned to replicate German model. Navy was needed to protect U.S. economic interests. Steel-hulled, steam-engine fleet replaces wooden vessels. ABCD cruisers (Atlanta, Boston, Chicago & Dolphin) + Battleships ME, TX, OR, IN, MA, KY, IL, AL & WI.

3 Situation in Cuba Spanish General Valeriano Weyler in command
Moved Cuban population to concentration camps. (Died of malnutrition & disease) All civilians outside the camps were considered “rebels”

4 U.S.S. Maine

5 U.S.S. Maine was anchored off of the Cuban coast.
US blamed Spain for the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine. It was supposedly blown up by a Spanish mine/torpedo. In reality, the U.S.S. Maine’s coal bunker became so hot that it exploded the gunpowder magazine. Over 200 American sailors and marines were killed.

6 WAR!!! Yellow Journalism - exciting but untrue stories printed by newspapers to attract more readers and sell more papers.

7 Teddy Roosevelt & the "Rough Riders"
Volunteer cavalry regiment. Men from various backgrounds: cowboys, Harvard graduates, immigrants, etc.

8 Buffalo Soldiers 9th & 10th Cavalry.
Some of the best troops in the US Army. Veterans of the Indian Wars.

9 Battle of Manila Bay May 1,1898 Philippine Islands Major U.S. victory
Casualties: U.S. – 1 ship damaged (1 dead & 9 wounded) Spanish – 7 ships sunk (161 dead & over 200 wounded)

10 Battle of San Juan Hill July 1, 1898
Major battle that decided the land war in Cuba. The battle featured machine guns, barbed wire & other modern battle obstacles. American casualties- 205 dead, 1180 wounded. American Victory!


12 What do you notice about warfare
in Cuba from the painting?

13 U.S. Territories

14 Spanish American War Daily Quiz
Battle where Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish in the Philippines. Leader of the Rough Riders and was later a U.S. president. Major battle that decided the fighting on Cuba. Term that means exciting but untrue stories printed by newspapers to attract more readers and sell more papers. Name given to African American soldiers who were respected by Native Americans for their courage.

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