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College Essay Writing 101.

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1 College Essay Writing 101

2 What do colleges look at during the application process?
GPA ACT/SAT Scores Community Involvement Extracurricular Activities College Essay Letters of Recommendation counselors teachers (especially English) coaches principals

3 Application Red Flags Dip in grades, especially later on
more lenient with freshmen more lenient with those who experience a tough transition (change of schools) less lenient with students who become “lazy” Students taking progressively more difficult courses but are receiving low grades college is a step up will you survive?

4 The Essay: Why is it so important?
The essay is the only part of the process in which the applicant has 100% control The topic, risks taken in the writing, is taken into consideration Often serves as a tie-breaker

5 Favorite Answers venture a bit outside the lines (not too eccentric)
avoid being constrained by a pithy mascot answer clearly define your message for the reader highlight yourself (not the college)

6 College Essay Winners personal accomplishments
personal drive and ambition: entrepreneurial endeavors activity leadership publications inventions national and/or international experiences community involvement political involvement

7 College Essay Red Flags
carefully consider the disposition you present through your essay: morals/values tolerance and acceptance of others adaptability and flexibility to challenges view of community and of the world lesson(s) learned Is the looking glass tarnished? Does the looking glass mesh with the values held at the school to which you are applying?

8 What do I write about? What matters to you the most in life?
What was the most impactful moment (or activity) that best defines who you are right now? In what way can you paint an effective image of you and how you have grown as an individual? What makes you stand out among others?

9 How do I narrow down my topics?
Write about something meaningful to you. “Personal” does not have to equate to life-changing or earth-shattering. Highlight a moment in time rather than an entire lifetime. Be truthful and sincere. Use your own style and voice Choose a style that is consistent with your strength in personality. (see the character trait list)

10 What do I avoid when choosing a topic?
Tell them what YOU want to write about rather than what you THINK they want to hear. Don’t write a resume. This is an essay, not a list of accomplishments. Don’t get too personal. Taboo topics include: sex drugs religious evangelization

11 How do I create style? Key on one aspect or moment in your life.
write “smaller” Be descriptive rather than simply listing ideas. Include emotions and your thought process while facing conflict. (This demonstrates your problem solving capabilities.) Use figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification, etc.). dress it up and be creative Use strong verbs and adjectives. Describe to the reader rather than “tell” him or her what happened Stay true to your character.

12 What are some stylistic traps?
Eliminate unnecessary words. Avoid rambling (no Trumpisms). Use the thesaurus sparingly. If you don’t know the word, don’t use it because it might not fit the context. Proofread your essay read it aloud to yourself read it aloud to another person ask for feedback

13 What must a college essay include?
introduction conflict climax resolution theme/moral/purpose personal effect How did it help you to grow as an individual?

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