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Objectives: Total Quality Management in Service – THM – Nafiya Guden

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1 Objectives: Total Quality Management in Service – THM – Nafiya Guden
Understand what Gap 4 is Be able to explain the key factors that contribute to Gap 4 Be able to find solutions to Gap 4

2 What is Gap 4? When promises do not match delivery
Inadequate Horizontal Communication Propensity to Over promise

3 Gap 4: Problems Inadequate Horizontal Communication
Inadequate communication between advertising and operations Inadequate communication between salespeople and operations Inadequate communication between human resources, marketing and operations Differences in policies and procedures across branches or departments

4 Gap 4: Problems Propensity to Over promise
Is there increasing pressure inside the company to generate new business Do competition over promise to gain new customers?

5 Gap 4: Solutions Opening channels of communication between advertising and operations Opening channels of communications between human resources, marketing and operations Providing consistent service across branches or outlets Developing appropriate and effective communications about service quality

6 Gap 5 If all the gaps (1-4) are met than Gap 5 will naturally be
achieved if there is a lack or a problem than Gap 5 will have a problem in the following: Tangibles Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy The only solution for closing Gap 5 is in achieving Gaps 1 4 as described in the previous weeks

7 Summary of lesson As organizations, if we provide all our customers with promises that we can keep than we will close Gap 4, what is also important is that we communicate this to our staff appropriately. In the last four weeks we have seen the importance of measuring quality and solving it; today we have looked at methods organizations can use to achieve this.

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