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“entrepreneurial cognition” Simon et al. (2000) “biases”

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1 “entrepreneurial cognition” Simon et al. (2000) “biases”
Mitchell & Busenitz (2002) “entrepreneurial cognition” Simon et al. (2000) “biases” Gollwitzer & Kinney (1989), Gollwitzer (1990), Gollwitzer, Heckhausen, Steller (1990) Characteristics of mindsets and cognitive tuning Venkataraman (1997) “knowledge corridor” Shane (2000) “prior knowledge” Kirzner (1973) “alertness” Shaver & Scott (1991) psychological approach Busenitz & Barney (1997) “heuristics and biases” McGrath & MacMullen (2000) Definition entrepreneurial mindset Shane & Venkataraman (2000) “prior knowledge” Gartner (1988) Behavioral theory for entrepreneurship Palich & Bagby (1995) cognitive categorization Baron (1998) “biases” Baron (2006) “cognitive frameworks” Mathisen & Arnulf (2013) “cognitive tuning and goal setting” Haynie & Shepherd (2009) Meta-cognition Measure of cognitive adaptability Haynie et al. (2007) Meta-cognition Metacognitive feedback McMullen & Kier (2016) “cognitive tuning and goal setting” Baron (2014) “cognitive bias” Haynie et al. (2012) “meta-cognition” “cognitive adaptability” Shepherd et al. (2010) “feedback loops” Haynie et al. (2010) “cognitive adaptability” Mitchell et al. (2007) “entrepreneurial cognition” Conceptual Systematic review Explanatory Exploratory

2 Meta-cognitive attributes EM
Core attributes EM Cognitive tuning & goal orientation Heuristic-based decision logic Alertness Prior knowledge Social interaction Meta-cognition Cognitive adaptability Awareness & feedback Learning & adaptation

3 Entrepreneurial trait approach & EM: „Combined“ Resource-based theory
EM concept Strategic entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial education

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