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2 Which of the following is true regarding the change in resting membrane potential during depolarization: The RMP becomes more positive. The RMP becomes more negative. The major cause of the change in RMP is the influx of sodium ions. The major cause of the change in RMP is the influx of potassium ions. Both a and c are correct.

3 Which of the following is not a division of the PNS?
The autonomic nervous system. The central nervous system. The somatic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system.

4 The most numerous type of neuron is:
multipolar bipolar unipolar b and c only None of the above.

5 The neuroglial cell that anchors neurons to capillaries in the CNS is:
Microglial cells. Schwann cells Oligodendrocytes. Astrocytes. Satellite cells

6 5. Name the region at the arrow:
Dendrite Axon hillock Synaptic knob Telodendria Nissl body

7 6. Name the organelle that would be most abundantly found within the axon:
Golgi apparatus Mitochondrion Nissl bodies Ribosome None of the above.

8 7. An excitatory post-synaptic potential would:
involve the opening of chemically-gated sodium channels. involve the opening of voltage-gated sodium channels. bring the neuron closer to firing. both a and c. both b and c.

9 8. Spatial summation is: several synaptic knobs releasing neurotransmitters repeatedly in rapid succession. many sensory neurons receiving info from the environment at once. another name for depolarization. a large number of synaptic knobs releasing neurotransmitters at once. None of the above.

10 9. Which of the following neuroglial cells are responsible for circulating CSF within the CNS?
Microglial cells Ependymal cells Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Satellite cells

11 10. Which of the following is/are multipolar?
All sensory neurons except the retina and olfactory neurons. All motor neurons. All association neurons. The neurons of the retina and olfactory area. Both b and c.

12 11. In two paragraphs, explain what an action potential is and what basic steps are involved in its generation and transmission.

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