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Chapter 3 The Gospel by luke.

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1 Chapter 3 The Gospel by luke

2 Historical Setting…Vs. 1-2
Tiberius Caesar…AD 14-37 Pontius Pilate…AD 26-36 Herod Antipas…4 BC-AD 39 Philip…4 BC- AD 34 Annas and Caiphas…AD 6-36 Date of John’s AD 26-29

3 The Region

4 The nature of John’s Baptism
Baptisms were common in the Jewish community for Gentiles converting to Judaism. It was a symbol of acceptance. What makes John’s different? How is John’s baptism similar to the one Jesus gave in Matthew 28? How is it different?

5 Vs. 4-6 What is the importance of quoting Isaiah 40? All that is happening, including the appearance of John, is in line with what had been promised.

6 Vs. 7-9 “Bear fruit in keeping with repentance!” means what? So what was the crowd’s first problem? According to 8b, what was their second problem? How do these problems look today?

7 Vs If salvation comes through faith, why is John emphasizing peoples’ actions? Note the diversity of the crowd.

8 Vs. 15-17 “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.”
Shows that true baptism is not by water. A ‘Holy Spirit’ baptism is what the believer should seek. Refers to Pentecost. Refers to the end times.

9 18-20 Herod Antipas had divorced his wife and taken his niece, ex-wife of brother Philip. V.18 refers to John preaching good news. Characterize John’s preaching.

10 Vs Matthew 3: Why was Jesus baptized?

11 Genealogy vs A distinction between Matthew and Luke: Matthew begins with Abraham, emphasizing the Jewish line of Jesus. Luke goes further back to Noah and Adam emphasizing Jesus’ relation to all nations (Gentiles).

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