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“SHOW IT” CATEGORY QuickSign [Jinx takes the stage.]

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Presentation on theme: "“SHOW IT” CATEGORY QuickSign [Jinx takes the stage.]"— Presentation transcript:

1 “SHOW IT” CATEGORY QuickSign [Jinx takes the stage.]

2 QuickSign: Overview QuickSign is a revolutionary app made specifically for the Pitt students that come in every year and have to sign people in and out. QuickSign will allow you to rapidly sign a guest in, or out, on your phone. Once the person is signed into QuickSign, their panther ID becomes “active” for that building so they can swipe in and avoid the wait. QuickSign will be available to both android and IOS.

3 QuickSign: Marketing Summary
Target market: Any Pitt student that is either currently living in a dorm or intends on living in a dorm. This app is intended for everyone and anyone that lives on campus. Originality: QuickSign is an extremely unique app and the first of its kind for Pitt. There have been times that the line for Litchfield towers, for example, has been over 50 people long, just because one person is signing someone in. My goal is to never have this problem again.

4 QuickSign: Technology Summary
QuickSign will interface directly with the Pitt sign in system. Here’s how it will work: Step 1: Person A wants to go hang out in person B’s room in towers. Step 2: Person B opens up QuickSign and plugs Person A’s first and last name into the app. Step 3: Person A will get a notification from QuickSign saying that person B has requested to QuickSign you in. Step 4: Once you accept, your Pitt ID will be valid for 24 hours and then QuickSign will automatically sign you out. *note*-The host (person B) can sign the guest (person A) out at anytime.

5 QuickSign Safety and Security
Safety is of outmost importance for a school in the city, such as Pitt. Here are a few points that address the possible safety concerns one might have with a QuickSign: If a person is QuickSigned into one dorm and later decides that he or she wants to go hangout in another dorm, QuickSign will automatically sign you out(with a notification and menu) of the first dorm you were at. You cannot be signed into 2 places at once. However, if a person currently lives in a dorm, they always have access into their own dorm. You just cannot be signed into 2 dorms that you don’t live in. Once a person is QuickSigned into a dorm, that guest is under the host’s responsibility, just like it is now. If something were to happen that violates the student code of conduct, it is the responsibility of both the host and guest, just like it is now. If a host signs in a guest, once they are in the building it is the host responsibility. Even if you sign a person out while they are still inside, it is the host responsibility if something were to happen. One can only have 3 people QuickSigned in at once, just like it is now. Say a person signs the maximum of 3 people into your room. The host brings all 3 people to the room, then signs them out. If the host signs 3 people in and then signs them back out within 30 minutes, QuickSign will be alert to this. If that host then signs a different 3 people into the building, QuickSign will alert the guard/RA. The penalty for this will be severe and as follows: Probation No access to QuickSign for 1 month $75 fine Letter home to parent or guardian

6 Home Screen: User enters his or her peoplesoft number and Pitt password into the appropriately labeled box. When either box is clicked the keyboard will pop up. If user enters peoplesoft # and Pitt password that don’t correlate, the two box’s will shake and ask you to re-enter your information.

7 Main Menu Screen: On this page the user can select 1 of the boxes or the logout button in the top right. Once one of the boxes is selected, the app will bring the user to the desired screen. (i.e. the sign in screen on the next slide) Tapping on the Back button will bring you to the Main screen. Tapping on the log out button will bring up a pop up window that asks the user if he or she wants to logout. If he or she taps yes, it will bring you back to the home login screen.

8 Sign in Screen: This is where the user can enter the guest’s first and last name of who they want to sign in. Once entered, assuming correct spelling (if name does not match with one of the names in the system, QuickSign will ask you to try again), you can click the “Send to Guest for approval” button. This will send a request to your guest for he or she to accept. Once accepted (or declined) the guest will have access into your building under the host name. Tapping on the Back button will bring you to the Main screen.

9 Sign Out Screen: This screen will show who you have signed in. By tapping any of the names on the screen, QuickSign will then ask you if you would like to sign this guest out. If you select yes, the guest will be signed out. If you select the “Sign All Out" button, QuickSign will ask you if you would like to sign all guest out. Tapping on the Back button will bring you to the Main screen.

10 Currently In Screen: This screen will show you a bit more detail than the sign out screen by providing both the time in and the time out for a particular guest. Tapping on the Back button will bring you to the Main screen.

11 History Screen: This screen will display your sign in history. The feed and menu will be ”scrollable” and the screen will show you when that person was signed in and when they were signed out. Tapping on the Back button will bring you to the Main screen.

12 Need to log out? You will have the option to QuickSign into your account from any device! Just incase your phone dies and you MUST have your friend over.

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