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COASTAL MANAGEMENT What is the impact of people on coasts?

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Presentation on theme: "COASTAL MANAGEMENT What is the impact of people on coasts?"— Presentation transcript:

1 COASTAL MANAGEMENT What is the impact of people on coasts?
How do people prevent coastal flooding and reclaim land? What methods are used to reduce coastal erosion?

2 What is the impact of people on coasts?
Depends on the pop. Density and level of economic activity. The more there are the greater the impact. Also there is a great range from urban to tourism and ports to sewage disposal. Some uses preserve and protect the coast eg. Nature reserves. Whereas hotels and port facilities permanently damages the coast. Conflicts can arise…sewage and nuclear waste dumping are not compatible with hotels and tourism or fishing.

3 3 Basic coastal Management issues…
Coastlines are constantly changing frontiers..but man wants to fix them and protect his livelihood. Coastal development always has and environmental impact. E.g .. dunes or wetlands used for recreation, or large scale river pollution on North Sea or Medtn. Managing one part of the coast has and effect somewhere else ..E.g ..longshore drift interrupted by a groyne.

4 How do we prevent coastal flooding and reclaim land?
Caused by.. Valleys and deltas, heavy rains or rapid snow melt .. Marine flooding is caused by seas driven by storms or high tides. Sometimes both river and sea at the same time. Management made difficult by rise in sea levels (global warming, melting of ice caps isostatic readjustment, eustatic readjustment etc..) Reclaiming land I.e Netherlands ..large scale or Wash smaller scale…the more reclaimed the greater chance of flooding.

5 Flood prevention Netherlands and E. Eng. Have extensive coastal defences…sea flood defences Delta plan.(24% of land area and 60% of population) Thames Flood Barrier..

6 What methods are used to reduce coastal erosion?
3 different responses to this occurrence .. Hard Engineering …building structures like sea walls to resist the power of the waves. Soft Engineering..adapting and exploiting natural processes..e.g replacing sand on a beach. Strategic retreat .. Abandoning land which is judged uneconomic to defend.

7 contd The first is the traditional response ( billion dollars spent and most now judged wasted as sea wins in the end and the hard structures increase scouring and erosion further along the coastline. Now decide to leave the sea to claim apartment blocks built in wrong place on Shell Island).)

8 Hard Engineering Cliff foot strategies… reflecting or absorbing wave energy..built at foot or on the beach or in zone of breaking waves….walls revetments, rip rap, gabions groynes and breakwaters. Cliff face strategies.. Reduce or prevent cliff damage from subaerial processes of erosion (gravity frost and precipitation).. By stabilising cliffs and cliff drainage.(see sheet)

9 Soft engineering Beach Nourishment Coastal zone management

10 Strategic retreat Recently a belief that underdeveloped areas of coastline should be left to forces of nature.. Cheaper to pay farmers than try to protect their land. In USA High risk property owners preferring to build inland instead of constantly claiming. This could be used in UK where local authorities could buy up threatened property and owners build else where. (Abandoning spurn head). IN Essex managed set back used where farmland bought and used to act as a ‘defence in depth’

11 How decisions about coastal management are made?
By answering a number of questions.. What is the problem or issue? What are the physical processes at work? Whose interests are involved/ What are the alternative solutions available? How much will these options cost? What impact might there be? Who needs to be consulted? How is the choice going to be made?

12 Cost benefit analysis This decision making technique is used to compare the costs and the benefits of a scheme. Putting a price on all the outcomes whether direct or indirect. Then two differing schemes can be compared.

13 Environmental Impact Analysis
Used to assess civil engineering schemes EU legislation makes it compulsory for all large projects It weighs the positive and negative effects of a scheme under environmental headings. Outcomes drawn up under.. Physical, social and economic environment.

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