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Flooding Rivers We all need to know about the causes and effects of Flooding in the UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Flooding Rivers We all need to know about the causes and effects of Flooding in the UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flooding Rivers We all need to know about the causes and effects of Flooding in the UK.

2 Starter - how can this cause flooding. https://www. youtube. com/watch

3 Boscastle flood – watch this video
As you watch the video make a note of any causes (these make something happen) and effects (these are impacts that occur as a result). Boscastle flood – watch this video

4 Describe the location of Boscastle in relation to Plymouth.

5 Use the following PowerPoint and the notes from the video to create a case study with the following headings. Introduction and location Flood causes, human and physical. Flood impacts and effects Flood responses – what did they do afterwards? Click! CASe study

6 Boscastle Poster Your task is to create an informative poster
The client is Cornwall Council 10 Years after the event the council want to commemorate with posters to be displayed around the area Your poster should tell people: The events of the day The causes of the flood The impacts of the flood The response during the event The improvements made to flood defences since the event Interesting facts and figures Boscastle Poster

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