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My Element: Gadolinium

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1 My Element: Gadolinium
Tobiasz Majerkiewicz | Mr. Horton| Riverside Secondary Block B

2 About Gadolinium Gadolinium is a soft, shiny, ductile, silvery metal belonging to the lanthanide group of the periodic chart. The metal does not tarnish in dry air but an oxide film forms in moist air. Gadolinium reacts slowly with water and dissolves in acids. It is strongly magnetic at room temperature. Gadolinium has useful properties in alloys. As little as 1% gadolinium can improve the workability of iron and chromium alloys, and their resistance to high temperatures and oxidation. It is also used in alloys for making magnets, electronic components and data storage disks. This is the question that your experiment answers

3 Interesting Facts about Gadolinium
Gadolinium is one of the more abundant rare-earth elements. It is never found as free element in nature, but it is contained in many rare minerals. The main mining areas are China, USA, Brazil, Sri Lanka, India and Australia with reserves expected to exceed one million tonnes. World production of pure gadolinium is about 400 tonnes per year. Its compounds are useful in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particularly in diagnosing cancerous tumours.

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