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Radio Frequency Cancer Treatment

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1 Radio Frequency Cancer Treatment
Muhammad Bhatti, Juan Lopez, Megan Keniry University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Edinburg, Texas , USA

2 Abstract The primary objective of this research endeavor is to study and to understand the natural physics phenomenon of electromagnetic resonance in one end closed cavity for the eventual purpose of cancer treatment. Radio Frequency waves are discharged into a coaxial cavity filled with a small amount (1.6 mL) of breast cancer cells (BT549) and the reflection as well as the power input is measured to determine the absorption power into the vitro cancer cell experiment.

3 Conceptual outlook All matter contains natural frequency of oscillation Such as a goblet resonating at natural frequency Once goblet reaches natural frequency, goblet self destruct’s Cell can be oscillated at its natural frequency Cell can be destroy by reaching resonance frequency Destruction of cells can be selective

4 Introduction We are interested in experimenting with electromagnetic radiation in the radio wavelength and cancer cells. We are looking for ways to kill cancer cells using RF while keeping the maximum possible number of healthy cells alive.

5 Methodology Coaxial cavity with one end closed
An PASCO Capstone Interface is then used with software A frequency signal Generator is then operated to generate 833 MHz Add 1.6 mL sample that is being loaded into the waveguide Input wave and reflected wave powers are recorded with power sensors

6 Equipment Setup

7 Temperature Gradient

8 Theory Free vibrations of an elastic body are called natural vibrations occur at a frequency called the natural frequency. If forced frequency is equal to the natural frequency, the amplitude of vibration increases many times, this is known as resonance phenomenon. Determine the reflected wave is at its minimum which is a condition for the cavity resonance.

9 Theory Cell are made of moving atoms, the vibrations inside cells travel as waves, at an approximately constant velocity, bouncing back and forth between the sides of the cell membrane. If the length of the wave guide is L. To cause resonance, the phase of a sinusoidal wave after a roundtrip must be equal to the initial phase, so the waves reinforce the oscillation or when absorption reaches maximum. • 𝑓 = 𝑁𝑣 𝑁𝜖 1,3, 5 … 4 𝐿

10 Experimental Purpose To determine the effect of radio frequency electromagnetic waves on human cell cultures in vitro cytotoxicity testing was carried out using human breast cancer cell line BT549 and human embryonic healthy kidney 293 cells (HEK-293)

11 Cell Preparation The Trevigen TACS MTT Cell Proliferation Assay Kit (Gaithersburg, MD) was utilized to assess impacts on human cell proliferation and/or viability Cells were grown under standard tissue culture conditions (5% CO2, 37°C, with 10% FBS and pen/strep) Cells were removed from plates with, centrifuged at 25°C (100 x g for 10 minutes) and re-suspended in fresh media at a density of 250,000 cells per mL prior to treatment

12 Cell Treatment Cells were treated at 833 MHz frequency
Cells were in a control environment Total time of exposure was 20 minutes Voltage was at 11 volts for the amplifier input Amperage of amps being used by the amplifier Control mass of about 1.5 g

13 Cell Analyzes After treatment, 100 mL from cell suspensions were plated into wells of 96 well plates (each sample was assessed in quadruplicate) After an 18 hour recovery (5% CO2, 37°C), 10 mL of MTT reagent was added to each well and incubated (5% CO2, 37°C) for four hours. 100 mL of detergent reagent was added to each well and samples were incubated (5% CO2, 37°C) for four additional hours OD 590 was measured to detect MTT reduction to formazan dye (by mitochondrial enzymes) in order to assess cytotoxicity

14 Results

15 Control BT549 experiment with cell left out of incubator 4.8.16
1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Time= 0 Time= 1 Time= 2 TimTeim= e3in Thiomuers= Time = 6 Time= 7 Time= 24 OD 595 nm

16 experiment BT549 Basal breast cancer cells

17 Conclusive results 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 OD 595 nm Control
OD 595 nm Control 833, v=11 883, v=10.5 833, v=9

18 BT549 and HEK 203 control cells
, v=12.5 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 OD 595 nm 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 293 control

19 BT549 and HEK 203 control cells
, v=12.5 1.4 1.2 1 OD 595 nm 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 BT549 control BT BT

20 experiment BT549 Basal breast cancer cells

21 Discussion These results help us understand that if the intensity of the frequency is lowered, more cells might die. The test conducted at 11.0 Volts to amplifier resulted in killing of the BT549 breast cancer cells (approx. 51%) in the waveguide. Additionally, the test conducted at 11.0V resulted on 30% of the Kidney Cells 293. This suggests that wave amplitudes must be selected carefully for tests, and that the healty kidney cells were much more resistant to the experiments. More tests of cytotoxicity/viability are underway.

22 Future Research Our future goals will include alternating frequencies, voltage, and treatment duration to eradicate as many cells as possible. We will also investigate how to specifically target the cancer cells only without damaging the healthy cells. Additional cancer cell lines will be investigated as well as more carefully designed experiments will be conducted. Possibility of caner cell death from thermos will be reduced.

23 References 1. Keniry, M. and R. Parsons, The role of PTEN signaling
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