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Recent Problems of Border Control Management of the European Union

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1 Recent Problems of Border Control Management of the European Union
By Sára Szedlák

2 Contents Schengen Area SIS and SIS II VIS Eurodac EU-LISA

3 Schengen Area 14 June 1985 establishing free movement of persons and goods between them reduction of interior border checks compensatory measures were needed 19 June SAAC signed On 21 December enlargement

4 Schengen Information System
compensatory measures Member States can obtain information regarding certain categories of persons and property 3 main areas: provisions on the free movement of persons, to judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation SIS does not record travellers' entries into and exits from the Schengen Area

5 Problems of the SIS Designed for 18 States Its technology is outdated
Define the functions of SIS (reporting or investigation system?) Authorities that will have access to the system (greater number of institutions) Store new types of data focusing on the prevention and detection of threats to public order and security

6 Development of SIS II 2001. : legal foundation for SIS II, setting up a Management Committee 2003. : progress report, future stages, common platform of SIS II and VIS, biometric data, new legal basis, protection of personal data 2004. : establish the French and Austrian sites for the development of SIS II, central unit in Strasbourg

7 Visa Information System
Database containing information, including biometrics, on visa applications by Third Country Nationals requiring a visa to enter the Schengen area 11 October 2011: North African countries Verification Identification It is expected to contain some 70 million biometric records

8 Eurodac Database of fingerprints of applicants for asylum and illegal immigrants found within the EU 2003 Dublin Convention Prevent asylum applicants from applying in several Member States at the same time 3 Categories: Asylum seekers over 14 years old, aliens apprehended in connection with the irregular crossing of a border, aliens illegally present in a Member State

9 EU-LISA Set up in 2011 Common platform for all existing large-scale IT systems being operational in the area of freedom, security and justice Harness technology to making Europe safer Respect for fundamental civil rights and compliance with the most exacting security and data protection standards Operation of SIS II, VIS and Eurodac

10 Any Questions?

11 Sources

12 Thank you for your attention!

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