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CS203 – Advanced Computer Architecture

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1 CS203 – Advanced Computer Architecture
Introduction Daniel Wong, Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Cooperating Faculty, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

2 Welcome!

3 I’m stuck in California . . .
About me Born and raised in East Los Angeles University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA BS Computer Engineering/Computer Science ‘09 MS Electrical Engineering ‘11 PhD Electrical Engineering ’15 Research Interest Energy Efficient Computer Systems GPGPUs, Data Centers, NVM Memories Industry Experience Samsung Semiconductor, Inc., San Jose, CA Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Livermore, CA I’m stuck in California . . .

4 CS203 Goal Introduction to Computer Architecture
Familiarity with processor components (pipeline, caches, registers, etc. ) Provide foundation for further comp arch courses CS213 – Parallel Processing Architectures EE260 – Seminar in EE CS/EE 217 – GPU Architecture and Parallel Programming Project-based learning Learning by doing

5 Topics Covered Prerequisite: CS 161 Background Pipelining
Quantifying Performance, Technology Trends, … Pipelining 5-stage pipeline Instruction Level Parallelism Static/Dynamic scheduling, Branch prediction Memory hierarchy Memory, Cache, Virtual Memory Parallelism Multi-threading, Vector, GPU

6 Why learn Comp Arch? Computer Architecture is the glue that binds software and hardware Inter-disciplinary in nature Devices, Circuits, OS, Runtime, PL, Compilers Advancement of computer architecture is vital to all other areas of computing IoT, Embedded Mobile Data centers, HPC

7 What is Computer Architecture?
Hardware organization of computers how to build computers Layered view of computer systems Role of the computer architect: To make design trade-offs across the hw/sw interface to meet functional, performance and cost requirements

8 Logistics Course Website Assignments/Projects Discussion/Help
Check often for announcements Assignments/Projects iLearn ( Discussion/Help Piazza (

9 Textbook (Required) Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 5th Edition By Hennessy and Patterson (Optional, another great reference book) Parallel Computer Organization and Design By Dubois, Annavaram, and Stenstrom

10 Attendance/Grading Attendance Grade Breakdown
You are expected to attend all lectures. Some slides only make sense in lecture. Grade Breakdown Labs: 35% Exam 1: 25% Exam 2: 20% Project: 20% Class Participation and Extra Credit: 5%

11 Project Policies 3 slip days 15% penalty per late day
If it’s one minute late, it’s still late No extensions will be given All labs are due at the end of the due date Labs should be uploaded to iLearn

12 Assignments Assignments will be issue during the course
Will not be graded The objective is to practice problem solving and design in computer architecture Prepares you for exams

13 Contact Instructor: Daniel Wong TA: Shahriyar Valielahe Roshan
Homepage: Office: WCH 425 Office Hours: TBD TA: Shahriyar Valielahe Roshan Office Hours: Friday, 1:10pm - 2:40pm

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