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Multicultural Society: What is it, and Does It Work?

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1 Multicultural Society: What is it, and Does It Work?
Amikam Peled, Kateryna Tsybulska, Monica Whippo, Natalia Porokhnyak, Theresa Dennis, and Tomislav Vuković

2 Overview Information Course Grade Level Lesson Category
History/English Language Arts Lesson Category Europe at the Turn of the Century Grade Level Secondary/Middle School Total Required Time Three 45-minute lessons

3 Summary This lesson explores the Golden Age of Hungary not only through the lens of economic progress, but also with a focus on the successes of a multicultural society. With this backdrop, the lesson moves into the theme of discrimination as it relates to the Holocaust as it was experienced in Hungary. In one case study of Judit Kinszki, students compare life in the Golden Age to life during the Holocaust and discuss the importance of education then and now. Finally, students will select from a short list of assessment options that require demonstration of knowledge about the relationship between multicultural societies and discrimination.

4 Enduring Understandings
An egalitarian society is attainable despite diversity in age, race, religious affiliation, nationality, and socioeconomic status. Major challenges to establishing a multicultural society include discrimination between groups.

5 Centropa Film – Introduction on Hungarian Jewish History
Day One: The Golden Age Motivator – Four Images Centropa Film – Introduction on Hungarian Jewish History

6 Day Two: Multicultural Society and Discrimination
One negative effect of multicultural societies is the possibility of discrimination. What does discrimination look like? How do people discriminate against each other? What are some examples of discrimination in today’s world? Centropa Film – Love on a Paper Airplane

7 Day Three: Assessment Have students select one activity:
Although we can become more accepting of others, discrimination may never completely go away. Judit’s experience in the Holocaust is an extreme case of discrimination that can never happen again. Write an essay that answers the following questions: What might cause people to discriminate against others? How can we prevent people from discriminating? Write a letter to Judit about her experience learning from her brother. Explain how your educational experience contributes to maintaining a harmonious multicultural societys. When Israel was formed, many cultures and nationalities came together in a melting pot. How is this similar to Hungary’s Golden Age? How is it different? Write what you learned from this lesson and how it compares to what you knew or believed before.

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