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East Hall under construction

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1 East Hall under construction - 1962
East Area Renovation meeting #5 Schedule Quentin Bouirek / EN-EA, East Area Renovation

2 Contents Key design parameters Proposal to anticipate CE works
Linear Schedule Gantt Schedule Risks Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

3 Key design parameters Start/end dates Operation constraints
Last beam sent to East Area  18/11/2018 End  target date : 05/07/2021 (end of commissioning and restart of physics in East Area) Operation constraints Logistics constraints Co-activity constraints Resource constraints Procurement constraints Radiological constraints Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

4 CLOUD layout Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

5 Operation constraints
No run in 2019 and 2020 would be a pity for the Cloud experiment. However a lot of services are required to run the experiment (electricity, gas, access control, …) Runs without beam are being considered Q1/2019 and Q4/2020 to minimize impact on renovation. Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

6 Operation constraints
EA primary area and B.352 are closely linked As PS ring beam commissioning restart as from Q4/2020, all works in EA primary area and B.352 should have been completed beforehand. Especially EIS-B to protect downstream areas. Finding: Civil engineering works (external envelope) are independent from operation Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

7 B352 to EA primary area Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

8 LS2 Schedule Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

9 Hardware test Beam Comm’ PSB 04/2020 09/2020 PS 08/2020 12/2020 SPS
01/2021 LHC 10/2020 03/2021 Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

10 Resource constraints Many competing activities (LIU, LHC, HL-LHC, other projects) Lack of resources identified in many groups (see Sebastien’s talk) Resource availability not complying ideal schedule: beam commissioning of injectors and LHC get a higher priority than East Area  compromise solutions. Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

11 Logistics constraints
Civil engineering works: Generate waste Waste management Activated waste  ISR’s Asbestos waste  Swiss disposal path Conventional waste  SMB waste service Need for temporary storage spaces for: Concrete and cast iron blocks Magnets Access control equipment during relocation New material from CE Finding: difficult to conduct beam line & building renovation in parallel. Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

12 Logistics constraints (II)
Major civil engineering works for B.157, B. 251 and synergy with B.156 Parking lots will be used. Storage space 2 Storage space 1 Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

13 Co-activity constraints
The renovation implies to dismantle all the beam lines (except T8) and associated services involving more than 15 equipment & services groups many co-activities. Dismantling – Cleaning – Installation – Hardware commissioning – Beam commissioning = main phases, difficult to mix them Multi-layer co-activities. Finding: difficult to conduct beam line & building renovation in parallel. Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

14 Co-activity constraints
D. Brethoux Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

15 Procurement constraints
Example: CE procurement & contracting As cost estimate kCHF IT + FC approval before contracting Reverse planning: target = December’17 FC, tight schedule! CSR 08/12/2016 13/12/2017 FC Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

16 Radiological constraints
Work in controlled areas 6 month-cool-down prior to any long-duration intervention in primary area 2 month-cool-down prior to any short-duration intervention in primary area G. Dumont Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

17 Radiological constraints
No modifications area (CLOUD) Fast access area Delayed access area No modifications area (CHARM/IRRAD) Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

18 Proposal to anticipate CE works
The goal is to avoid coactivity between civil engineering and EN-EA renovations. Proposal to carry out building renovation (in parallel to run) in 2018 and beam line renovation during LS2. Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

19 Proposal to anticipate CE works
Declassify the ceiling area to allow CE works during operation: supervised  non- designated area Possible with some mitigation measures: Additional shielding blocks above primary area. CE staff access only by means of external staircases. Building access integrity must be ensured at all worksite stages (no intrusion) . Additional TLD dosimeters to continuously monitor this area. Start with zone 2 and 4 (learning process). Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

20 Ceiling working areas (zone 1)
Ceiling access area 1 Ceiling access area 2 Ceiling access area 3 Ceiling access area 4 D. Brethoux Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

21 Main Phases stage Groups involved Date Comments
Civil Engineering works SMB-SE December 2017 January 2019 Dismantling EN-EA, EN-HE Nov 2018 – April 2019 Cloud runs EP-DT Feb-March November Dec 2020 Cleaning EN-EA Q3-4/2019 after final dismantling Shielding modification Q4/2019 Installation all Q1-2-3/2020 Hardware Commissioning Q4/2020 Beam commissioning Q2/2021 Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

22 EA Renovation linear schedule
Timeline Different working areas Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

23 EA Renovation linear schedule
Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

24 EA Renovation linear schedule
Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

25 Schedule improvement Add 4 month to the physic period
Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

26 Risks Risks Detail Group Mitigation
Lack of resources causing delays or activity cancellation Missing staff to follow the project EN-CV (1,8 FTE.y) EN-EL (2 FTE.y) EN-EA (3 FTE.y) Management to allocate more resources Failure in the supply chain Delay on equipment availability TE-MSC (magnets) TE-EPC (Power converters) See Sebastien’s talk Weather constraints Work stoppage due to bad weather conditions SMB-SE Flexibility in the schedule: focus activity on indoor works Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

27 Summary Schedule was build by taking following constraints:
Operation constraints Logistics constraints Co-activity constraints Resource constraints Procurement constraints Radiological constraints Blocking point: Lack of resources in a few groups Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

28 Thanks for your attention!
East Area Renovation Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

29 Miscellaneous 157 Integration LS2 T9-T10-T11
Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

30 EA Renovation baseline
Cost and Schedule review #1 December 8th, 2016

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