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Exploring the experiences of families with a child currently being assessed for Autism Spectrum Disorder Laura Jackson.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring the experiences of families with a child currently being assessed for Autism Spectrum Disorder Laura Jackson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring the experiences of families with a child currently being assessed for Autism Spectrum Disorder Laura Jackson

2 Study Aims Explore thoughts and feeling toward diagnostic process
Impact of process on child and parent well being What support is available for families

3 Results

4 Perception of Professionals
Effected how parents viewed and experienced the diagnostic process Initial contact with professional at CDC

5 Perception of Diagnosis
Majority of parents reported a negative experience Length of wait Detrimental effect on parent well being

6 Support During Process
Seen unanimously as essential Parents description of support Lack of information from initial CDC Confidence in accessing future support Autism

7 Experience of Multi Agency Working
Lack of communication between professionals Confusion about job roles and titles Need for lead professional / case worker / family support

8 Effect of Diagnosis Process
Effect of overall experience is a cause for concern Mental health issues and family break ups Negative spiral of thought In relation to caregiver role Struggle to obtain diagnosis , out of 8 parents average wait; 14 months ;1 parent 24 months ‘push’ and ‘fight

9 Implications for Service Development
Reflection on how to approach the potential diagnosis of ASD with parents Provision of step by step guide to process at initial CDC Provision of written info at initial CDC List of professionals and job roles Reduce Waiting List Social Story for children in preparation for CDAC clinic Review of existing information

10 ….any questions? Thank you!! Thank you for taking part
Thank you for listening ….any questions?

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