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Welcome to Kindergarten Mrs. Bernard Room 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten Mrs. Bernard Room 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Mrs. Bernard Room 7

2 Mrs. Bernard Graduated from UC Santa Cruz
Received credential from CSU Fullerton Master’s Degree from National University 18th year in Centralia School District Happily married to Ben 3 kids Isa (14), Alex (10), and Gracie (4)


4 School Schedule 8:05 a.m. School begins
8:05 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. English/ Language Arts 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Recess 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Math 11:00 a.m. - 11:40 a.m. Lunch 11:40 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Read Aloud 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Science/Social Studies/Centers 1:00 p.m. - 1:20 p.m. Physical Education and Health 1:20 p.m. – 1:35 p.m. Clean- Up/Homework/Dismissal ** Thursday Dismissal - 1:15 p.m. ** Computers throughout the week (ST Math, Starfall and Ticket to Read) Bookmobile: every other Wednesday

5 Snack Please send a nutritious snack for your child, for example:
Apple slices Banana Orange slices Graham crackers Water Juice If your child misses breakfast, they’re are able to get 2nd chance breakfast during recess

6 Attendance All students are expected to be at school everyday and on time at 8:05. To report an absence: Call the school office at Send a note when your child returns teachers:

7 Drop Off Front Gate: Students will be supervised on the preschool gate 7:55 am. They will be escorted to their homeroom lines at 8:00 a.m. Students who eat breakfast will be supervised in the MPR and student lunch tables starting at 7:30. When finished, they will be released to the preschool playground where they will be escorted to their homeroom lines at 8:00 a.m.. Back Gate: Students will line up on the sidewalk by the back gate. A teacher will be there at 7:55 to supervise your child. Then, at 8:00 a.m., the teacher will escort your child to their homeroom line.

8 Pick Up Front Gate Students will be released by the library gate. Either I or Mrs. Shanahan will be dismissing your child. Back Gate Students will be released at the gate **PICK UP CARDS** Your child will not be released unless the adult picking them up has a card. If you don’t have or lose your card, you will be asked to go to the office and present your I.D. and new cards will be issued.

9 Homework Practice Rainbow words everyday
Homework Packets will be given on Monday and will be due the following Monday. Each student has a Green Daily Folder Please clean out the Left at Home section daily. Practice Rainbow words everyday Booklets: please read 3x each night

10 Behavior - Class Dojo Student goal is to earn 7 points by Friday to shop in the treasure box. Students can also lose points by not following the rules. Please look at weekly Behavior Circle Graph on Friday Please message me on Dojo if you have any concerns Time outs: if students have consistently losing points, I will have student do a timeout with heads down Will be sent to the office if it a major distraction or infraction.

11 Parent Communication Class Dojo: This is a great way for us to communicate and see what’s going on in class. If you have a phone or computer with Wi-Fi, you will be able to see how your child is doing on a daily basis. Mrs. Bernard:

12 Back-to-School Night 2017 Welcome back!

13 This year, we’re using ClassDojo to build our classroom community
We’ll build a positive culture where students are engaged, encouraged, and love learning! All parents are part of our classroom community, seeing what we’re learning every day.

14 How we’ll use ClassDojo
As a teacher, I will: Post announcements and updates regularly on Class Story Share photos and videos of our classroom activities Send private messages to keep you in the loop! Students will: Share classwork on their own digital portfolio Only family members will be able to view their work

15 What do parents see? You’ll see the Story of our classroom:
Photos and videos from class Important updates and announcements Your child’s digital portfolio Private messaging between the two of us Translate any message or Class Story post into your preferred language!

16 iOS, Android, Kindle Fire
Let’s get connected! 3 easy steps 1. Download the app iOS, Android, Kindle Fire 2. Sign up as a parent 3. Enter your code!

17 Let’s try it out together
I’ll post to Class Story now Go on… give it a or add a 💬

18 I’m always here to help if you need anything, as well as the ClassDojo team who can be reached at

19 To Access the District and School Websites
Go to Click on Schools Click on Danbrook

20 PTA $7.00 to join PTA helps to provide Field Trips Family Fun Nights
Please join Danbrook PTA $7.00 to join PTA helps to provide Field Trips Family Fun Nights Mother/Son Picnics Father/Daughter Dances

21 Thanks so much for attending
Thank You Thanks so much for attending Back to School Night! Please sign-up for a parent/teacher conference on your way out! I will be able to discuss your child’s progress at that time.

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