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4 feb 2013, kl Osquldasväg 10, plan 6

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1 4 feb 2013, kl. 13.00 Osquldasväg 10, plan 6
Styrelsesammanträde 4 feb 2013, kl Osquldasväg 10, plan 6

2 Agenda Approval of today’s agenda Member to check the minutes
Minutes from previous meeting Budget 2013 [KHJ] Information Process for high-risk seed project [KHJ] Process for industry seed project [KHJ] Status on Industry Internship Program [BW] Status on Undergrad Summer Program [KHJ] Report from ACCESS Industrial Workshop 2013 [KHJ] Graduate School [MS] Mobility program incl postdocs [KHJ] Distinguished Lecture Series [BW] Meetings 2013 AOB  

3 3. Minutes from previous meeting

4 4. Budget 2013 [KHJ]

5 4. Budget 2013 14.887 15.149 Expenses Budget 13.738 13.015 Income 2010
2011 2012 2013 Previous year 3.081 1.631 1.857 1.149 VR 10.000 10.500 11.000 Faculty funding 1.805 1.652 1.030 1.500 Industry fund (double 2009) Total 14.886 14.783 14.887 15.149 Expenses Budget Collaborative projects 6.702 7.020 6.350 4.215 Post-docs 1.775 1.900 2.200 2.000 Mobility 0.280 0.150 0.400 Seed projects 0.800 1.600 2.850 2.700 Industry projects 2.500 Industry seed 0.100 Women network Undergrad Summer Progr PR, workshops, DLS, ISS 0.592 1.071 1.245 0.900 Mgmt , adm, OH 0.606 1.185 0.943 1.000 13.255 12.925 13.738 13.015

6 Collaborative projects: founding faculty led projects, total funding equals the funds remaining after the costs below have been subtracted. Individual projects supported according to KTH faculty activity level Grad school: funding for graduate courses (not included on previous slide) MSEK income and expenses. Post-docs: incoming ACCESS funded postdocs Mobility: incoming and outgoing faculty Seed projects: two-year cross-lab projects and high-risk project Industry projects: Ericsson collaborative projects Industry seed: small one-year industry collaboration Women network: support for equality activities Undergrad Summer Progr: framework for summer studies PR, workshops, DLS, ISS Mgmt , adm, OH

7 Agenda Approval of today’s agenda Member to check the minutes
Minutes from previous meeting Budget 2013 [KHJ] Information Process for high-risk seed project [KHJ] Process for industry seed project [KHJ] Status on Industry Internship Program [BW] Status on Undergrad Summer Program [KHJ] Report from ACCESS Industrial Workshop 2013 [KHJ] Graduate School [MS] Mobility program incl postdocs [KHJ] Distinguished Lecture Series [BW] Meetings 2013 AOB  

8 5a. Process for high-risk seed project [KHJ]
Background: Review 2012 suggested that ACCESS should encourage more high-risk research Call for ideas: ACCESS Faculty submit project idea, motivate why high risk and high payoff, not more than 500 words Evaluation: Pre-selection by EC, decision by Board Time plan: Submission deadline: Mar 13 Discussion and EC proposal: May 6 Board decision: May 27 Project start: Jul 2013 Funding: 500 KSEK per year and project over two years with half-time evaluation, nominally 1 project supported

9 5b. Process for industry seed project [KHJ]
Background: Important with more and new interactions with strategic industry Call for ideas: ACCESS Faculty submit project idea, motivate why new and why important for ACCESS, not more than 500 words Evaluation: pre-selection by EC, decision by Board Time plan: Submission deadline: Aug 31 Discussion and EC proposal: Sep Board decision: Oct 15 Project start: Jan 1, 2014 Funding: 100 KSEK per year and project over two years with half-time evaluation (nominally 1 project supported)

10 5c. Status on Industry Internship Program [BW]
ACCESS PhD students have chosen options: You take a leave from KTH for 2-3 months to work at Ericsson or ABB on a project in the area of ACCESS, but not necessary directly related to your thesis work. You keep your KTH salary but relocate to Ericsson or ABB for 2-3 months to work on a joint co-sponsored project more directly related to your current research direction. 14 answers: Most of them prefer option 1 and suggest summer time or just after the summer. One already had a discussion with Ericsson about option 2. Next steps

11 5d. Undergrad Summer Program [KHJ]
Background: Many of the labs in ACCESS engage talented undergraduate and master students in their research during the summers. This coming summer we plan to organize some joint events for all these students under an ACCESS umbrella.   Planned events ACCESS Undergraduate Summer Programme kick-off: June 10th at in lecture room Q2. Introduce ACCESS and lunch is offered to participants. Joint social activity: Details TBD. The event will be organized around July 1. Final workshop: August 30th, details TBD. Here the students will present the outcomes of their projects. ACCESS is responsible for the common costs of these events, but not for student salaries etc. USP Lead: Henrik Sandberg

12 5e. Report from ACCESS Industrial Workshop [KHJ]
130 participants, including ABB, Ericsson, Scania, VINNOVA 32 poster presentations Cost: ca 140 KSEK Comments Strong and interesting program Active discussions during talks and poster session There could have been more people from outside KTH and main industrial stakeholders. New invitation model? Innovation Workshop in May 2013 for ACCESS students SRA ICT TNG workshop Nov 2013 (or later) with substantial ACCESS involvement

13 5f. Graduate School [MS] Spring 2013 Fall 2012
Advanced performance modeling and analysis, intensive course, M. Telek, TU Budapest Bayesian networks, preparatory course, T. Koski, KTH Partially observed Markov decision processes: From filtering to control, intensive course, V. Krishnamurthy, UBC Fall 2012 Mathematical methods in signals, systems and control, specialized course, C. Rojas, KTH Research Communication, preparatory course, J. Rose, SU Probability and random processes for information and systems theory, M. Skoglund, KTH Mathematical perspectives on spinn glasses, intensive course, A. Barra, U. Rome La Sapienza

14 5g. Mobility program incl postdocs [KHJ]
Incoming Maria Papadopouli, U Crete, 2011—2013 (part time) John Baras, UMD, (part time) Carolyn Beck, UIUC, Apr-Jul 2013 Geir Dullerud, UIUC, Apr-Jul 2013 Vikram Krishnamurthy, UBC, Apr-Jun 2013 Outgoing György Dán, UIUC Henrik Sandberg, MIT Postdoc Call Deadline Apr 20, 2013

15 9h. Distinguished Lecture Series [BW]
2013 16 Jan, DLS #66: David Basin, ETH, Monitoring Policy Compliance  Unconfirmed invitations Claire Mathieu, Ecole Normale Superieure, expert in streaming algorithms, big data. recently moved from Brown Marc Mezard, Université de Paris Sud, statistical physics with applications in information theory and computing Laurent Massoulie, Director of the joint Microsoft-INRIA Research Centre in Paris, communication networks, machine learning Vincent Poor, Princeton University, games, privacy and distributed inference for the Smart Grid

16 6. Meetings 2013 ACCESS Board meetings 2013 13:00-14:30 Mon 4 Feb
13:00-14:30 Mon 27 May 13:00-14:30 Mon 14 Oct

17 7. AOB 


19 OLD PROPOSAL 4. Budget 2013 15.015 14.165 Expenses Exp/Budg Budget
Income 2010 2011 2012 2013 Previous year 3.497 2.075 0.865 -0.485 VR 11.150 11.650 12.150 Faculty funding 1.800 1.600 1.000 Industry fund 1.500 Total 17.947 16.325 15.015 14.165 Expenses Exp/Budg Budget Collaborative projects 8.190 7.020 6.350 4.415 Grad school 1.350 1.300 1.150 Post-docs 1.775 1.900 2.300 2.000 Mobility 0.280 0.203 0.150 0.200 Seed projects 2.050 2.700 Industry projects Industry seed 0.100 Women network Undergrad Summer Progr PR, workshops 0.592 0.935 0.900 Mgmt , adm, OH 0.585 1.002 15.872 15.460 15.500 OLD PROPOSAL

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