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New England Colonies: Seeds of Colonial Unity

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1 New England Colonies: Seeds of Colonial Unity
Identify reasons for tumultuous relationship between English crown and New England colonies. What is significant about the events surrounding the Dominion of New England?

2 New England Confederation
Identify similarities between New England colonies. How does the geography of the New England colonies also create a sense of cohesiveness? How does this compare with the Southern colonies?

3 New England Confederation
1643 Formed by four New England colonies: Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, & New Haven Purpose: secure safety & borders from surrounding Dutch, French, and Natives All Puritan Weak Colonies were able to maintain semi-autonomous commonwealths from England

4 New England Confederation
The original Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England, dated May 19, 1643, included as its second section: 2. The said United Colonies for themselves and their posterities do jointly and severally hereby enter into a firm and perpetual league of friendship and amity for offence and defence, mutual advice and succor upon all just occasions both for preserving and propagating the truth and liberties of the Gospel and for their own mutual safety and welfare What is significant about the New England Confederation?

5 The Restoration 1660 After the unsuccessful English Civil War, Parliaments restored King Charles II to the English throne Imperialist King Charles II Wanted tighter control over the English American colonies -WHY?

6 Conflict King Charles II upset with New England colonies:
Gave orders to stop persecution of Quakers New Haven housed 2 judges that ordered execution of his father Massachusetts assumed control over New Hampshire based on their interpretation of their charter Ignoring the Navigation Acts- What did these acts state? As punishment, charter was given to: Connecticut (1662) Rhode Island (1663). Finally, in 1684, Massachusetts’ charter was revoked

7 Navigation Acts Created for British mercantile policies
First attempt to end salutary neglect

8 Dominion of New England
1686 King James II ( ) Unification of New England colonies (NY & NJ too) under strict control of England Strict enforcement of navigation acts Bolster colonial defenses against natives Sir Edmund Andros appointed governor


10 The Glorious Revolution
England Overthrow of King James II Catholic son William & Mary of Orange are appointed English Bill of Rights signed If English can overthrow king, colonists will overthrow Andros Massachusetts signs new charter in 1691 All landowning males acquire suffrage Salutary neglect reemerges

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