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Broken Bones and Sprains

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1 Broken Bones and Sprains
First Aid Broken Bones and Sprains

2 Joint sprains happen when joints move in a directions they are not supposed to go
Without an x-ray it may be impossible to tell whether a bone is broken You will perform the same actions even if you don’t know whether the bone is broken

3 Signs Swelling Joint may turn blue

4 Action Steps Check scene safety Cover any open wound with dressing
Put plastic bag filled with ice and water on injured area with a towel in between for 20 minutes Phone or ask someone to phone 911 if: There is a large open wound Injured part is abnormally bent Not sure what to do


6 Don’t straighten any body part that’s bent or deformed
** Don’t straighten any body part that’s bent or deformed. **Don’t move a broken bone that has come through the skin

7 Splinting Keeps injured body part from moving
At times you may have to splint an arm or leg, but most of the time health care providers provide splints

8 Action Steps for Splinting
Make sure scene is safe. Get first aid kit. Wear PPE To make a splint use something that will keep the arm or leg from moving Roll up towels, magazines, and pieces of wood can be used as splints


10 Splinting Place splint so that extends beyond the injured area and supports the joints above and below the injury Tie the splint to the injured body part Make sure injured person is seen by a health care provider You should be able to put a few fingers between the splint and the injured body

11 Important Leave bent and deformed body parts in their bent or deformed body positions as you apply the splint. If a broken bone has come through the skin, cover the wound with a clean dressing, and splint

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