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Russian Revolution.

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1 Russian Revolution

2 Background Czar Nicholas leader of Russia
Russian armies were poorly trained and equipped. Loses 1.7 million troops

3 Grigori Rasputin Led Gov’t while the Czar visited troops
Assassinated in 1916 due to economic disasters.

4 Strikes March 1917 women led strikes due to bread shortages and rationing. Czar Nicholas ordered the troops to shoot peasants and strikers. Troops join demonstration

5 Provisional Government
Czar Nicholas stepped down as leader Government headed by Alexander Kerensky. Continued to fight in WWI. Challenged by Soviets who represented workers and soldiers.

6 Bolsheviks Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin
Dedicated to a revolution to overthrow the government. Slogans, “Peace, Land, and Bread!” “Worker Control of Production!”

7 Takeover Bolsheviks seize power in October of 1917.
Turned power to Congress of Soviets. Named themselves The Communists. March 1918 Lenin ended the war with Germany.

8 Russian Civil War Red Army- Communist army defeats an unorganized white army (supported Czar) Red Army kills off remaining members of the monarchy

9 U.S.S.R Russia forms the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
-or known as the Soviet Union -takes over surrounding nations

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