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Using Le with the days of the week, in French.

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1 Using Le with the days of the week, in French.
Les jours de la semaine Using Le with the days of the week, in French.

2 Les jours de la semaine…
First, you have to know the days of the week: lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche

3 To say that you’re doing something on a specific day…
Just say the day of the week. Example J’ai des devoirs mardi. I have some homework on Tuesday.

4 To say you do something regularly on a certain day of the week…
Put “le” before the day of the week. Example J’ai des devoirs le mardi. I have some homework on Tuesdays.

5 Notice: In English, we add the word “on” before the day of the week. In French, we don’t use the word “on” when we talk about days of the week.

6 More examples… J’aime aller au cinéma le samedi. I like going to the movies on Saturdays. Je voudrais aller au cinéma samedi. I would like to go to the movies on Saturday.

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