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MRA for FAA as a Source of Supply

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1 MRA for FAA as a Source of Supply
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the MRA Exclusion for Shipments to Federal Agency Activities MRA for FAA as a Source of Supply Supply Process Review Committee Meeting 15-2 June 24, 2015 Ellen Hilert Defense Logistics Management Standards Office

2 MRA From – To Federal Aviation Administration
Should DODM Materiel Receipt Acknowledgement (MRA) policy be changed to include FAA under MRA? DOD policy for MRA does not require DOD customers to provide MRA transactions to FAA for shipments out of FAA stocks. Likewise, the policy does not require FAA customers to provide an MRA for materiel shipped from DOD wholesale sources of supply (SoS). Audit readiness has placed greater emphasis on receiving an MRA for shipments from DOD wholesales sources has raised the following questions about requiring MRA for: Shipments to DOD from FAA (require DOD customers to send MRA to FAA)? Shipments to FAA from DOD (require FAA customers to send MRA to DOD upon receipt)? For FAA shipments to DOD requisitioners to be included in the MRA process and Source of Supply Report, we would need to develop a proposed change to the DODM MRA policy. A similar change would be needed for DoD shipments to FAA. Input from FAA in August 2014 noted this would have to be addressed in policy updates and be incorporated in their new Logistics Center Support System (LCSS)

3 National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
Similar to the FAA on the previous slide, DOD policy does not require NOAA customers to provide an MRA for materiel shipped from a DOD wholesale SoS. For NOAA customers requisitioning from DoD, should an MRA be required for: Shipments to NOAA from DOD (require NOAA customers to send MRA to DOD upon receipt)? A proposed change to the DODM MRA policy addressed for FAA could include shipments to NOAA.

4 DoDM , Volume 5 Extract MRA policy in DODM , Volume 5 Delivery of Materiel.  Enclosure 3 para 8.a.(3), and para 8.b.(5). (Highlighted). 8. RECEIPT PROCESSING a. For receipt processing, DoD Components will:     Intervening text not shown      (3) Process materiel receipt acknowledgement (MRA) transactions to acknowledge receipt or nonreceipt of shipments of DoD wholesale stocks and DLA Disposition Services stocks and, in part, to shipments of GSA wholesale stocks in accordance with References (q) and (r). Inventory title transfer and customer billing is not predicated on processing of the MRA transaction. b. Receiving activities will:      (5) Provide MRA for receipt of all shipments of materiel, whether requisitioned (pulled) or pushed to them, from any supply source, e.g., issues from stock; direct or prime vendor deliveries; or issues from DLA Disposition Services according to References (p) and (q). Inventory title transfer and customer billing is not predicated on processing of the MRA transaction.

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