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1 Welcome To My Presentation

2 The World Banks Innovation Market- R. Chapman Wood & G
The World Banks Innovation Market- R. Chapman Wood & G. Hamel Introduction: Fighting against proverty and launching new products both are very difficult job. To done these job long term planning and practical ideas are necessary. World bank takes some necessary steps to do it. For this reason World bank organize an event on 9,February,2000 where 44 teams were come together with their new ideas and approaches to alleviate proverty. In this event all people were given importance who are ignored before

3 Planting Seeds Of Change:
There are many reasons behind proverty.There are not any specific reason behind this. To alleviate proverty some change is necessary. Only big development loan is not sufficient to meet the poor countries need.To alleviate poverty it is not only necessary to know the economic condition of the poor countries it is also necessary to know their social and cultural roots.

4 Gathering Support Support is necessary for any kind of projects success. Alleviate proverty is such a major project which can not be done without the support of others.

5 Calling all Innovators:
Only banks employee were invited in the first marketplace which turnout was very high. But at the next time not only the bank staff’s but also all people and development workers were invited to come with their ideas.

6 Setting Right Condition for Innovation:
Increase the area of experimentation. Involve more people in experiment to get effective ideas. Establishing an evaluating and collecting process for ideas. Supporting the project which do not need huge investment.

7 Expanding the Scope of Innovation:
The development marketplace were found popularity and the scope of innovation were increased day by day. For the popularity of innovation marketplace World bank developed a web site program. By using this website now any one can submit his/her new ideas.

8 Lessons Learned: The development marketplace bring great success for world development and for the bank. The marketplace proved that “Micro innovation” can produce “Macro results”. So the innovation program is necessary for world development.

9 Bank Marketing & Information Technology: A Historical Analysis of the Post 1970 period-Mark. R. Nelson Introduction: Before 1970 the marketing strategy and information technologies were absent in banking industries. Marketing strategies and information technologies not only changed the external and internal banking but also changed the fundamental nature of banking. Several banks were in big trouble to cope up with this change.

10 Relevant Literature: The financial services industry is the largest consumer of IT than the government in U.S.A. Nowadays bank’s are spending 20 percent of their non interest expense in information technology. Technological innovations are reducing both geographic and economic barriers. Banks must learn to manage technology and the fundamental change it has in the industry, and they must make an interface between these two areas.

11 The Marketing and Information Services Interface:
Improving marketing and information service interface is necessary for banks. It improves banks market positions and competitive positions. The bank which interface management is better they can retain and attract more customers.

12 Evolution of the information services and marketing functions
In 1970s the need of marketing strategies & information Technology emerged. During this period we introduce with ATMs, EFT and Banking by phone. In 1980s the role of technology in banking grew . And marketing more closely linked with organizational planning process. In the mid- 1880s banks gave first priority to information service & second priority on marketing. And then corporate culture was change. In 1990s things do not improve much. Non banking competition increased, resulting in significant share loss. And information services helped bank regain some share.

13 Conclusion: The use of Marketing strategies and Information
technology made a dramatic change in the banking Industry . It brought the fundamental change in banking industry.

14 Critical Success Factors For Various Strategies in the Banking Industry
This paper Try to identify the critical factors which are relevant in the success of banking industry. This paper is made on the basis of “Taiwan bank market”. The paper is done to find out the factors determining the factors behind success of banks.

15 Critical Success Factor Approach
Many people try to define the critical success factors in many ways. Rochart in 1979 was the first to define the concept and he defined that “The limited number of areas in which results if they are satisfactory will ensure successful competitive advantage for the organization”. So many people also defined it year by year. This study highlight the role of business strategy according to the identified critical success factors in the banking industry.

16 The Strategy Setting and CSF:
So many research has attempted to find out the relationship between competitive advantage and business strategies. The most widely accepted research on strategy settings given by Miles & Snow on 1985 & It categorized business strategy into four parts: 1.Prospector 2.Analyzer 3.Defender 4.Reactor

17 Survey Framework The targeted population were given a questionnaire to find out the CSF and different business strategy.And it results 25 CSF’s and they accepted three strategies given by Miles & Snow and they reject the 4th strategy which was reactor.

18 Discussion & Conclusion
According to the result of mean importance they rated the CSFs and by combining the 25 CSFs they divided it into four parts Ability of bank operation management. Ability of bank marketing. Ability of developing bank trademarks. Ability of bank financial market management. And these can be reflect as four different goal for the commercial bank manager. And if the managers become successful on this four, the organization will be successful.

19 The Social Cost Of Fraud & Bankruptcy – Joseph Bower & Stuart Gilson
In the story of U.S. bankruptcy Worldcom is the most complicated and closely watched corporate reorganizations which is now poised to emerge from bankruptcy with a confirmed reorganization firm. It was the low cost price setter in the hypercompetitive telecommunication industry. In reality which was an elaborate work of fiction. And that makes a loss of more than $12 billion from public view.

20 Some might say perversely the new worldcom will come out of bankruptcy as a formidable competitor this time by the support of U.S. law. May be such outcomes makes good economic sense. But when it is made for corporate fraud that is totally unethical and the effects not to the vendors, customers but also to the society. It is less obvious that laws designed in simpler times when fraud was not rampant make good sense in every case today.

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