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Second Language Acquisition

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Presentation on theme: "Second Language Acquisition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Language Acquisition
Lynn W. Zimmerman, PhD

2 Introduction to course
Assignment 100% Attendance 15% Class participation Tests, course papers Topic paper (10%) Quiz on Krashen (15 %) Case study (15%) 40% Final exam/Project - Lesson Plan Analysis 30%

3 Class file Write your name – and how to pronounce your first name
What languages you know and how well Why you are in this course Write 1 thing you already know about SLA Write 1 question you hope this course answers

4 What is language? Language sample Who is talking? How can you tell?
What is being talked about?

5 Functions of Language Interactional – used primarily to establish and maintain social relations Transactional - to transmit knowledge, skills or information Direct communication – intentional – often direct factual type statements Indirect communication – inferential – involves metaphors and idioms

6 First Language Acquisition
Vocalizations Sound differentiation Words Sentences Meta-linguistic awareness

7 Stages by age By 1 year By 2 years 3-4 years By 4 years

8 Developmental Sequences
Children learn language in predictable patterns, developmental sequences. Related to cognitive development mastery of linguistic elements for expressing ideas which the child has understood for some time

9 Theories of Language Acquisition
Behaviorism language learning - the result of imitation, practice, feedback, and habit formation. Innatism children are biologically programmed for language Interactionism Language development - result of complex interplay between child and environment

10 Interactionism (cont.)
Piaget – language is a symbol system used to represent knowledge that children have acquired through physical interaction with the environment. Vygotsky – language develops entirely from social interaction. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) - difference between what a learner can do without help and what he/she can do with help.

11 Resources Linguistics for L2 Teachers – Larry Andrews
Educating Second Language Children – Fred Genesee, ed. How Languages are Learned - Patsy Lightbrown and Nina Spada

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