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Foundations of Technology

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1 Foundations of Technology
Available on - Foundations of Technology Unit 3 Design Mr. Ames

2 What is Design ? Mastery Objective: Design, model and prototype a marketable bottle using a 3D modeling CAD / CAM system. Objective: Define and identify design and properly order the 7 steps in the design process.

3 What is Design ? Design is the very purposeful process of creating a solution to a problem. Problem Solving is the most complex process humans are capable of.

4 What is Design ? Design is the very purposeful process creating a solution to a problem. Everything around you has been designed at some point Can we give examples? Problem Solving is the most complex process humans are capable of. Why? What separates us from primates?

5 What is Design ? Design is the process of intentionally developing or creating a solution to a problem. There is no perfect solution or design, there are no “correct answers”. The Design process is usually continuous. Since it can be considered a loop

6 Design Loop Technological Design Model (TDM) 1. Identify The Problem
2. Generate Ideas 3. Select A Solution 4. Model + Prototype 5. Test the solution 6. Evaluate The Solution 7. Present the Solutions

7 Design Loop Defining the problem Generating ideas Selecting a solution
There are 7 components in the TDM: Defining the problem Generating ideas Selecting a solution Testing the solution Making the item Evaluating the item Presenting the results

8 What is Design ? The design process does not necessarily follow all 7 steps all of the time These steps can sometimes take place in a different order.

9 Define The Problem Always the first step in problem solving
-Identify the difficulties that must be overcome. -Uncover possible design opportunities. -Consider real-world contexts for design opportunities. -State what the designer will do. -State what the design will do. -Develop a list of design specifications. -Specify in detail what the design must accomplish. -Specify the limitations/constraints the design must adhere to

10 Generate Ideas -Gather all pertinent information.
-Ask and answer questions related to the design brief. -Use a variety of sources e.g., lectures, videos, textbooks, the internet, etc… -Identify key words, concepts, formulas, etc… -Identify available resources. -Document research results for future reference. - Assume the absurd

11 Select A Solution -Share possible design ideas either complete or partial. -Build on previously shared ideas. -Generate sketches, doodles, notes, etc… -Consider ergonomic issues - Personnel and cultural characteristics shape a design

12 Test The Solution -List the strengths and weaknesses of each design idea. -Develop a matrix based on the design specifications identified in the design brief. -Evaluate each design and choose the one that most effectively solves the problem. -Experiment with different materials and fastening techniques. -Develop and evaluate two dimensional models. -Generate detailed technical/working drawings e.g., 2D, 3D, multi-view, exploded, etc… -Determine precise relative measurements e.g., hole diameters, part lengths, etc…

13 Model + Prototype -Manufacture all necessary parts in accordance with the technical drawings. -Assemble parts using adhesives and fasteners. CAD (computer aided design) CAM (computer aided manufacturing) CNC (computer numeric control)

14 Evaluate The Solution -Operate the model in simulated and actual problem conditions. -Compare the test results with the design brief. -Identify and document design solution success and failures. - Seek outside opinions and suggestions

15 Present The Solution Design folio Marketing presentation
Demonstrations -Repeat necessary design loop steps until an acceptable solution is achieved

16 Lets see a short example
“Show me”

17 Lets Try It How many different ways can we calculate the area of Snoopy? “Help me do it”

18 Lets Try It How can you support the book off the table using nothing but the strips of paper provided? “Let me try it”

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