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Cool Country Report Country Name By:.

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Presentation on theme: "Cool Country Report Country Name By:."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cool Country Report Country Name By:

2 Geography of _____________
Continent: Bordering countries: Bodies of water around: Capital city: Area in square miles/kilometers: Climate: Add a map

3 Fast Facts Population: Natural Resources: Official language(s):
Currency (money): Current leader:

4 The Flag of ____________
The colors of the flag are Symbol(s) on the flag represent Add a picture of flag here

5 Add a picture of person here
Very Important Person Name: Born Died Famous for: Add a picture of person here

6 Greetings from___________
Description of landmark Add a picture of the landmark here

7 Holidays and Traditions

8 Spectacular Sport Sport name Description of sport Picture of sport

9 Animal Trading Card Lives in Interesting facts
Add Picture in this text box Lives in Interesting facts Name of Animal

10 Fabulous Food Add picture of food Description of food here

11 Interesting Facts A few more things I’d like to tell you about ____________ are

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